
Sometimes, no matter how much you want to protect your loved ones from being hurt, you can’t. You’ve got to let them get hurt. You’ve got to let them experience pain. [Or] else, nothing will happen.

Sometimes, no matter how much you want things to be okay, for things not to happen because you know it’s bad and hurtful…you can’t. Because it should be happen. It won’t be okay until it’s not. It has to be not fine first before it becomes fine. It has to be rough before it becomes smooth. You have to get hurt before you realize what’s right, what’s true [, what’s noble].

It’s never easy. Love, faith, relationships. If it’s too easy, it’s not true. It’s not real. For it to be real, it’s got to hurt. Not the shallow heartache, the one that just makes you rant but still have the strength to do other things. It’s got to hurt in a way that it pierces your soul and heart, where all you could think of is that thing, and you beg and plead for it not to hurt, but you know it will. You try to avoid it, try to keep it from happening, but it still does. You cry, wishing for your tears would be enough to stop it, but it doesn’t. It hurts. You hurt. Everyone hurts.

[BUT] IT HAS TO HAPPEN. IT MUST. To avoid it would mean darkness. Death. To face it had on, even without any clue of what will happen [except that it would hurt] will bring truth and life.

Hurt, truth, life. Ironic, but true. That’s what life really is. That’s how one really lives. To know that to live is to hurt, to avoid pain is to die.

– March 4, 2007, 1:20 am