Tag Archives: upgrade

Upgraded to WordPress 2.7

As promised right after WordCamp Philippines 2008, I’ve finally upgraded my blogs to the latest WordPress versions.

Altogether now: HALLELUJAH!

I said I’d do it before the end of the year and with a new custom layout, but right now there’s just no time to make a new layout, so I thought I’d upgrade WordPress now, and work on a new layout during vacation (which officially starts tomorrow! WOHOO!). And here we are!

It’s not that hard to upgrade, as promised by the WordPress people. It’s a pain to back up so much files though, and check which plugins are not usable anymore. Honestly, I’m not even sure if I’m still using all of the plugins, but I’ll check that when I create a new layout. For now, this free WordPress theme would do. I still have to cleanup all the past posts and check for broken links, but I think WordPress 2.7 would help me go through all these past stuff. Yes?

Anyway, it feels great to blog again. I’ve been having some problems with the old version of WordPress that I have, and I hope this new version would help reduce those problems. (Oh and if you’re wondering what version I upgraded from, it’s WordPress 2.1. So whoever is still in that version, YES, IT’S POSSIBLE AND EASY TO UPGRADE TO THE NEWEST VERSION :D).

Today is the last work day for 2008, one day early because of the traffic on the streets. Our boss told us we could not go to work tomorrow, and just leave the dirty work for the seniors. I’m glad for that because I really don’t want to be at work during Christmas Eve. I already have our Christmas cake here (thanks Sugarhouse!), and I’m going to ride three tricycles with this. Haha good luck!

So yes, the last work day and when I get back to work next year, it’s going to be such a busy year ahead. I can feel it! It’s up to the point that when I think of it, I get scared…but I also know it’s going to be a good year ahead. :) I just have to make sure I make peace with this year before I jump into the next. Which means, a lot of de-cluttering and introspection in the next few days!

So here’s to a fruitful 2008, work-wise. I’ll post a longer one about this next time. For now, I’ve got to start fixing my things. It’s going to be a while before I get to see this workstation again. :D


I am back after a one day Error 509 Bandwidth Exceeded day. I never knew that I could eat up my bandwidth (4GB) within ten days? I never expected that, since I never really ran out of bandwidth before. Is my blog finally reaching some sort of “popular” status, or is it only because I have too many graphics in this layout and I like refreshing my screen (I bet on the latter :p). I know my site isn’t as popular as treatmentacne.net, though. :P Anyway, I upgraded my hosting plan just to accomodate my space and bandwidth needs for the rest of the year. I stopped blogging because I know I’d probably eat up my bandwidth before I get to post, so I waited until I can finally pay for my upgrade. Kudos to my host, Protagonist Webhosting. :)

I have some serious things to talk about, which I won’t just yet because…well, I can’t really write about it for now. But it’s definitely stirring up some emotions that I wish were gone but won’t be until I finish the task.

But I’ll cross the bridge when I get there. :)

Anyway, everyone’s been doing the Lakbayan thing since Independence Day. I finally took it and here’s my result:

My Lakbayan grade is C-!
How much of the Philippines have you visited? Find out atLakbayan!
Created by Eugene Villar.

Well that’s understandable. I’ve only been to some places in the Visayas region and one in Mindanao (I ♥ Davao!) while other places in Luzon are places I pass through. Not much of a traveler, except maybe for the different YFC International Leaders Conferences I’ve been in.

It’s no secret I want to travel around the Philippines, so this is a good start. I’m going to set myself a goal: raise my Lakbayan grade to at least a B- within the year. How about that? This means I really have to get up and organize outings and whatnot, just to be able to go to the places I want to go to that I haven’t been in before. Anyone want to come with me? :)