Tag Archives: Protagonist Webhosting


I am back after a one day Error 509 Bandwidth Exceeded day. I never knew that I could eat up my bandwidth (4GB) within ten days? I never expected that, since I never really ran out of bandwidth before. Is my blog finally reaching some sort of “popular” status, or is it only because I have too many graphics in this layout and I like refreshing my screen (I bet on the latter :p). I know my site isn’t as popular as treatmentacne.net, though. :P Anyway, I upgraded my hosting plan just to accomodate my space and bandwidth needs for the rest of the year. I stopped blogging because I know I’d probably eat up my bandwidth before I get to post, so I waited until I can finally pay for my upgrade. Kudos to my host, Protagonist Webhosting. :)

I have some serious things to talk about, which I won’t just yet because…well, I can’t really write about it for now. But it’s definitely stirring up some emotions that I wish were gone but won’t be until I finish the task.

But I’ll cross the bridge when I get there. :)

Anyway, everyone’s been doing the Lakbayan thing since Independence Day. I finally took it and here’s my result:

My Lakbayan grade is C-!
How much of the Philippines have you visited? Find out atLakbayan!
Created by Eugene Villar.

Well that’s understandable. I’ve only been to some places in the Visayas region and one in Mindanao (I ♥ Davao!) while other places in Luzon are places I pass through. Not much of a traveler, except maybe for the different YFC International Leaders Conferences I’ve been in.

It’s no secret I want to travel around the Philippines, so this is a good start. I’m going to set myself a goal: raise my Lakbayan grade to at least a B- within the year. How about that? This means I really have to get up and organize outings and whatnot, just to be able to go to the places I want to go to that I haven’t been in before. Anyone want to come with me? :)

Friday's Feast # 4

Hello, Friday! Hello, June!

I never mentioned it, but I started a Script Frenzy blog. Script Frenzy is a 30-day writing activity just like National Novel Writing Month, where you need to write a 20,000 word screenplay/stageplay in a span of 30 days. startingI was all set to join but I decided not to this year seeing as I have a lot to deal with this June. And that I don’t have any ideas to write. Well I do, but it’s not fully formed, and I can see it more as a novel than a script. So…I guess I’ll be killing that blog for now until further notice. Of course, I could still join it in the middle of the month, and whip out 20k words then, but let’s see how this month goes first. :)

There you go, I haven’t been blogging as much this week because I didn’t want to go over the bandwidth, especially after Noemi already added some to last me until the end of May (Thanks again!). It’s already June here, and a few hours to go with my host, so yay! I hope to have a new theme up by this weekend so I can start focusing on those money-making stuff I will get into this month to start earning for the things I’m saving up for that (unfortunately) my salary cannot cover.

I talk too much. Time for Friday’s Feast!

Friday's Feast

Name something you think is “the best.”

– Aside from being loved by God and my family and friends and being blessed (all those are the best, of course), since we’re talking about Friday’s Feast, I’ll talk about food. Right now I’ll be biased: my chocolate revel bars. It’s the best baked thing I ever made — I could cook one batch of it and it would be gone in a day. :P It’s even better than our family brownies or my chocolate cake (which always bakes like bread, hmph). I want to bake them again this weekend but I’m out of oats. :( But yeah, I scheduled some Apple Crisp cooking this weekend — wish me luck!

On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 highest), how stressed are you today?

– Somewhere around 6, I guess. Work is stressing me, even if there’s really not much to stress over with, unlike late last year where everyday I was stressed over this project. I have a project right now with personal deadlines, and it’s kind of stressing me out.

What kind of cleanser do you use to wash your face?

– I use Celeteque facial wash. I used to use Pond’s but it made my skin dry, and Cetaphil doesn’t have enough bubbles to make me happy. Celeteque works for me, although it is kind of expensive. I also use the Celeteque facial toner and moisturizer. ;)

Main Course
Tonight is a blue moon! What is something that you believe only happens “once in a blue moon.”

– It is? How come I didn’t see it? Haha. What happens once in a blue moon…Me winning $1M, I guess? :)

When was the last time it rained where you live?

It rained here last Tuesday night. I live in the Philippines, where summer’s giving way to the rainy season. Hay, and I never even went to the beach this summer! :( How sad! But I am sort of liking rain now, but like Riz, it kinda makes me emo too. ^^;

It’s FRIDAY. And I got to work early today, which means early time out! Wohoo! I have 2 1/2 hours till I can goooo! Come on, weekend, let’s go!

Yesterday, it rained

In case you’re not from Manila, yes, it rained yesterday. Hard. If my brother didn’t tell me to go home right after work, I would’ve been stranded at Robinson’s Galleria. Thank God for good timing.

In the shuttle on my way home yesterday, I listened to the water fall down heavily on the roof of the van. I closed my eyes everytime a flash of lightning comes and automatically start counting after until I hear thunder. I was worried that we might have no electricity at home because of the heavy downpour — I still have to charge Captain Tal and my service unit for work. I wondered if I might have to spend the night in the darkness with no cellphone and only Triskal ((You’ll get to know him really soon; I just need to have time to write about him ;) )) to keep me company.

I got home safe and sound and soaking wet, and as I was eating my dinner, I suddenly remembered why I (used to) love the rain: when it rains hard enough, no classes for the next day.

Haaaay. For the nth time, I missed being a student again. Last night I found myself wishing that it rains really, really, really, really hard (but still no power outage, of course), and the government would announce no work for private and government offices. I would wake up to the cold weather, learn about this, sigh and go back to sleep. Ahhh.

Asa pa. I wish. As if that would happen. :-<

Remember that Nescafe commercial a few years back, where there was these guys who live in a dorm and are preparing for their day when one of them turns on the radio, listens for a bit and then runs to the hallway and yells, “WALANG PASOK!!!” ((Read: No classes!!!)) That was one of the best and most relaxing commercials I can remember. The rain last night also reminded me of the cold days at the dorm when we’re stuck because it was flooded outside our unit. I remember those days we’d cook up warm soup/noodles to eat during rainy days, or play Monopoly, or watch a DVD…sometimes my roommates and I would just talk.

Hay, nostalgia. But I can’t go back, as much as I want to. Such is life.

But don’t get me wrong, I loved the rain last night. I used to love the rain back in high school then disliked it when I started commuting in college. Now I think I’m starting to like it again. :) But the rain made me think of things that as much as I want to think about, I avoid because it makes me sad and want to go back and then I feel bad even more because I know I can’t. Did that make sense?

Anyway. Tonight, it threatened to rain but it didn’t pour. Yet. It’s payday today too, and because of that and Triskal, my brother and I went to Metrowalk and loaded on TV goodies, i.e. Prison Break Season 1 (please tell me the DVD ripper has it wrong and it’s reading only 14 eps but it’s really 22!!! Please?), Supernatural Season 1 and 2 (It’s my first time watching this. I bet I’ll be scaring the willies out of me but my curiosity’s got me :P), and Heroes Season 1 (Peter Petrelli! ♥ ). I still have some CSI:NY to wade through before I get to the others. Marathon na to!

Speaking of, I still want to borrow a DVD of CSI Seasons 1-6. Anyone? Or does anyone have AVI files and is willing to burn me a copy? *bats eyelashes* I’m such a cheapskate; my pocket hurts at the thought of buying an entire set of only one show…unless I head over to Quiapo. But if there’s no CSI, Veronica Mars would do. ;)

Before I go, I want to give a big thanks to Noemi, who owns Protagonist Webhosting, for upping my bandwidth this month, thus the comeback of Refine Me after exceeding my bandwidth the other day. :) Thank you, thank you! >:D<

Off I go. Mac Taylor and the rest of CSI:NY awaits.