I don’t know what happened, but there was this deliciously cold breeze yesterday and I can still feel it until now. Can you feel it? :)
It sucks that I can’t enjoy it fully because I’m still kind of sick (these colds just won’t go away!), but I’m loving it. I can feel Christmas, and I haven’t even done my Christmas shopping yet!
I’m having some holiday blues though. Or maybe it’s because of the stress. Yesterday I was feeling all sad for some reason, and it’s not because I’m not out of the house because I really wanted to rest and work on my freelance projects. Earlier today I was panicking because of all the things I need to do for the next two weeks, and I don’t know if I have enough time or strength or if I can actually finish everything the way I want it to be finished, like:
- Two freelance projects due this month. The second one is just a prototype and is relatively easier than the first one and I can do it during vacation, but the first one is consuming so much time that I feel like this will eat the developing time for the second one. Bah. The least I could do for the second one now is to make a template and a project plan and a requirements analysis document. That should take me one day…as long as I find some time. :| Can someone help me with Drupal theming?
- PinoyWrimo TGIO party on Friday. I’m really thankful that Maita of Talecraft is helping me out, so less stress, but I still find myself stressing over the people who’s coming. Haha. Anuba. I’m missing our account’s party for this. Sorry guys, I’m needed here. I’ll be at our team’s Christmas party. :D
- Work documentation stuff. I just need to send an email for this, and then worry about everything by the time I go back for work next year, but you know how I stress over these things. T_T
- Christmas shopping/baking. Enough said. I’m thankful that we get one extra weekend in December before the vacation, so at least I can deliver the gifts/baked stuff before we get off for the long vacation. :D I’ve got baked stuff for the people at work, some nice things for my other friends but nothing yet for my family. How lame is that? No complicated stuff like auto insurance, simple but meaningful stuff will do.
- Domain renewals. Not only my domains, but send domain renewal emails to my hostees. Can do this in a day, and probably right before Christmas rolls around (haha what a Christmas greeting).
- Upgrade my WordPress and make a new layout. This is personal, but I’ve put it off for s long and this layout’s been here for almost a year, that I really need to do something about it. When is WordPress 2.7 coming out?
- Annual Physical Exam at work. This is stressing me out how? Oh the lab samples. And the exam is at 4pm. May I be excused this Monday because I’m still recovering from my cough? You don’t want me coughing during my X-ray, right? Hay. Good luck.
Add that and the usual work load at the office, club activities and this desire to write something even if I have absolutely no time at all. Bah humbug.
I really should get working now. I’ve got CSS e-books to hopefully help me with what I’m doing. Drupal, I shall conquer you! (Wish me luck!)