BTT: Gluttony

In the light of The Great Book Blockade of 2009, I thought I’d answer this week’s Booking Through Thursday, since it’s highly appropriate (plus it’s actually quite easy to answer).

This week we have:

Book Gluttony! Are your eyes bigger than your book belly? Do you have a habit of buying up books far quicker than you could possibly read them? Have you had to curb your book buying habits until you can catch up with yourself? Or are you a controlled buyer, only purchasing books when you have run out of things to read?


Yes, I am guilty of book gluttony! I still have about 20 or so books in my to-be-read list, and that’s not stopping me from buying new books. It started on the first time I went to MV Doulos, where I got so many books which I haven’t even started reading yet. I think I only read 1/2 of the books on the list there. Then I went to the Manila International Book Fair and bought more books and then I got a new job and got more books…and more books…and more books. Eeeh. One of my simple joys is visiting the bookstore near my office and I almost always get something there, especially if it’s payday (which is today!) or if I am past my credit card cut-off.

Not only that, but I acquire ebooks in a flash too. My ebook collection isn’t as enough to fill in compact flash cards but it’s enough to have a reading backlog. I have about 12 or so in my iPod Touch that I have yet to read.

Yes, I’m a book glutton. Once I declared a book ban — where I told myself not to buy books for at least five months at least until after I made a dent in my reading list. I…didn’t exactly fail miserably, but I didn’t make a huge dent in my reading list. Hee. One thing I found effective to stop myself from buying books is actually hiding my credit card from myself. I only buy books using my credit card because of convenience, so that stopped me. I also made conditions for myself, like I can only buy this book I’ve been wanting to buy if and only if I finish reading this other book that I have been planning to read in ages.

But I can’t help it. I love books.

Putting import duties on them might ruin my buying though, since it’s going to be more expensive soon. :|

I haven’t bought anything in the past few weeks though, because there’s really nothing that I have been wanting to buy for so long, but then visiting the new Fully Booked in our area might change my mind. Let’s see. ;)