Distance Education?

One of my goals last year is to prepare for graduate school. Obviously I didn’t get to do it because other things in life took over, but I still dream of being able to go back to school sometime soon.

I’m not sure if I will be able to do it again this year because of finances and getting my life in order, but there’s another option that I haven’t tried exploring yet: distance education.

I know a couple of people who enrolled in distance education courses. Being an instructional systems technology major, I know that distance education is very possible, and it allows me to stay where I am while learning something at my own pace. I’ve done some research about going to an online university and it seems pretty feasible — if only I was sure I’d be able to manage my time well. ;)

One online university I’ve seen is Western Governors University, which seems like a pretty good online school. It’s non-profit, more affordable than other online universities, and it’s a fully accredited online education institution.

I hear they have a pretty good online nursing degree, and they have online MBA degrees too, which is mighty interesting…

But then, actually going to school is an entirely different thing, right?

So let’s see. It’s nice to have options for these kinds of things, and I just hope I’ll be able to get enough courage and money and time to get that MBA degree before I turn 25. :)