Tag Archives: midshift

Sleep. Sleep. Sleep.

day2I didn’t have enough sleep today. I got home yesterday this morning at one, because my brother had to go through Commonwealth Avenue traffic at midnight. Imagine that.

A lot of people envy my work schedule. I have been going to work on midshift ever since February, and it’s been a permanent thing ever since I transitioned into the new process. I was actually more than ready to go to night shift, if only for the bigger shift allowance (yes, that’s the only perk I could see in that work schedule), but I was blessed enough to be told that it wasn’t necessary for us to go on night shift. Thank God.

There’s a lot of perks on being in the mid shift, namely:

  • I don’t have to wake up really early to go to work. Although I kind of miss the early-morning silence in the office when I used to get to work before 8am (oh those were the days), I’m happy that I don’t have to compete with rush hour traffic, plus I get to squeeze in some more sleep in the morning. :D
  • I also have time to do things in the morning before going to work. My weekday gym schedule has always been in the mornings, so I get to do all my exercises before my work day really starts. It’s so easy to be lazy to go to the gym after work, IMO, especially when you have to commute home. Plus, it helps me to be energized for the rest of the day, which is really good. :)
  • The thing I hated the most about the night shift is that I keep on crossing two days in one shift. I start my shift, say, at 9:00pm on a Monday and I end my day at 6:00am on a Tuesday. When I go to bed, my body is already thinking it’s Tuesday, so when I wake up, it starts to assume that it’s already Wednesday. Talk about screwed up body clock. On midshift, I still go home by midnight, which is like the normal bed time for me, so there’s really no difference.
  • There’s something really sad about going home when the morning sun has risen. Maybe I’m really just a morning person?
  • I also get to avoid rush hour on the way home. :)

Although honestly, midshift can also take its toll on me. Like the past few weeks for instance. It’s hard to promise myself a good night’s sleep every night when the stress lasts until midnight at work, and then you have an early appointment the next day. In these situations, I end up compromising my sleep, because I need to be up early the next day. It’s not so different than back in college when I always end up sleeping late even if I have an 8:00am class the next day, but losing sleep for more than two days is bad enough for me. Yeah, this is me, someone who can’t pull consecutive all-nighters. :P

I miss those days when I can actually get in a completely restful 12-hour sleep (although I honestly think that any sleep that lasts for more than 10 hours is already in excess. It’s just me, probably). Don’t you?

Oh, and did you know? Not having enough sleep is a sure-fire way to not build muscles. It doesn’t exactly make a person gain weight, but it makes you lose muscles, which in turn makes you weaker. Some people may seem to lose weight like they’re on the best slimming pill when they’re not getting enough sleep, but it’s not the healthy kind of weight loss. You’re losing muscles, honey, and you need those more than you need the fats. Yes, I learned that in the gym. :P

So there is truth in what our parents have been telling us when we were kids: we all need our sleep! Right now I’m battling sleep while I work, but the up side is that I only need to stay here for two and a half hours. Whew. I can’t wait to go home and hit the sack.


Mid Shift

So today I start mid shift.

FYI, I’m still home. I’m leaving in a while though, because I need to hear mass at Eastwood since it’s first Friday. Plus, I need to get at the office early to get some work done since I have two meetings tonight, and I won’t be able to get stuff done.

Ah, the price of being busy. The past two weeks I felt like I was on midshift all ready because of all the meetings I have to attend (it’s a miracle how I can still blog — thank you short free time), but I still go to work early because of sheer laziness of commuting on my own in the afternoon. It’s okay anyway; I get more things done that way. :D

It’s been a sort of crazy two weeks. Tonight’s meeting consists of planning and an education session about some other stuff I should know. I’m not complaining; it’s fun to be involved, since it’s been a long time since I was involved in stuff. I get to meet a lot more people, be hands on with the activities, and I really, really like that. :P Of course that means I’m more tired and there’s a lot of things to do which means a bit more stress after some time, but a little stress is good. They’re not really complicated and I don’t have to learn how to do anything complicated or something I haven’t done before (like install Grohe faucets, for instance), though there were some brain-dying moments. But I’m good. :) And besides being good for my resume (heh), I like what I’m doing and it breaks the monotony of everyday web editing. :D

I have a feeling this month’s going to be crazy too; with all the stuff I need to have finished. Plus I always feel like my hours are short when I’m on midshift as opposed to night shift, where my hours are looooong. I didn’t mind the extra allowance, though, but really, I prefer to sleep at night than during the day.

My ten minutes of posting are up, so I should get ready if I want to get there in time for mass.