Hello, 2010

Goodbye, 2009! You’ve been difficult, and honestly, you wouldn’t be missed.

Hello, 2010! I feel like posting this, because I totally agree with what this says:

Yes, it will be awesome
Yes, it will be awesome :)

I’m terribly sleepy from the sugar rush earlier, but I’m still awake because I have to do some work! Eeep. :P It’s okay, but I hope it’s not a sign of a lot of work to come!

More posts on the new year (namely my goals for 2010 and a review of my 2009 goals) when I wake up later. For now I’ve got to finish this last pieces of work, and then go to bed since we still have to go to mass tomorrow.  Plus I might be organizing what’s left of my bedroom/storage room when I get home (what I can organize in it, since there’s pretty much..nothing there save for my books), but that’s got to more interesting than reading about life insurance rates.

…AAAAND I’m rambling again.

Anyway. 2010 will be awesome. :) Let the awesomeness begin!