Hello September

Am I the only one who’s kind of bewildered that it’s September already? That we are down to the last four months of 2009? And that we’re already doing a Christmas countdown (only in the Philippines, my friends :p)?

It’s September! SEPTEMBER!!!

Yes, I’m slightly bewildered. A part of me feels like this year is ending way too fast, and I haven’t even gotten any of my bearings yet, but another part of me is kind of amazed at how many things had happened in the past eight months, and I know there’s just a lot more that will happen in the remaining four. Plus, the last two months of the year has always been exciting for me: NaNoWriMo and Christmas, yay!

So what’s so special about this September? Honestly, Septembers are slow months for me. Nothing much happening, except for my brother’s birthday. For the past two years, my September has always been months when things happen. Like me joining the workforce. Or, the Switchfoot concert. Or the first WordCamp Philippines. Or going back to Cebu after seven years. Y’know, those kinds of stuff. What does this September have for me?

Honestly, nothing.

So, I thought, Hey, let’s do something for this September. Something (sort of) new and challenging.

Hello, September. Hello 30-day Blogging Challenge.

Yeah, I was inspired by her and her, and I thought, hey why not? I’ve been complaining of a personal blogging drought, anyway. I figured, since September is probably the last month in 2009 where I won’t be as busy (compared to October, November and December, that is), plus September has 30 days, so it’s just right! Right?

Plus, this should be easier than writing a piece of fiction everyday (which I failed miserably…but hey, I’m updating it every now and then!), right?

I wish I could think of a theme like Riz did, but for now, I’ll have to call it the default until I could think of a better name.

So. 30 days. I can do this. Will you join me? :)

Tonight we fly (thanks icanread.tumblr.com)
Tonight we fly (thanks icanread.tumblr.com)

Hello September. Hello 30 days. Bring it on. :)