Tag Archives: Chasing Daylight

In 2008, I will chase daylight

And…here we go. New year, new layout, new philosophy. Yeah. HAPPY 2008, EVERYONE!

The past layout has been six months old and although I love it, I thought it’s time for a change, especially for the new year. So from pink and black, I’ve got blue and white and gray…something similar to the first layout of the domain when I got it four years ago (which reminds me…this domain turned four the other day!). The layout is structured similarly with the past one, so it wasn’t that hard to make, but I did have difficulty with the colors on this one. This is the first layout I made on a Aslan, and the first time I experienced the PC-Mac color thing. I don’t know if it’s just my brother’s PC and the angle of his monitor, or the colors are just really screwed. Now the original look is not how it looks like now. Ah well. It looks fine now, but I will change it tomorrow when I am on Guilo (my office PC). I still have two things to accomplish today, so the layout tweaks wait tomorrow. But if you see any bugs, please let me know. :D

Chasing Daylight is from Erwin Raphael McManus’ book of the same title. I bought it during the last book fair, which I only got to start reading a few days ago. So far, it’s an exciting read, which got me thinking about what I plan to do for the new year. Here’s the blurb:

“There are a few things more powerful than a life lived with passionate clarity,” writes McManus.”Every moent is waiting to be seized by those who are chasing daylight.

We all have dreams, hopes and aspirations. Why, then, do some of us realize our dreams and advance forward while others watch timidly from a distance and hope for a break? Author Erwin Raphael McManus reveals the direct relationship between passion and initiative.

When we are passionate about God, we can trust our passions.

Chasing Daylight is a call to live a life of blazing urgency. We have but one life. We are given one opportunity to pursue our dreams and fulfill our divine purpose. Every moment counts, and we must engage them with fierceness and zeal. Put an end to passive observation, paralyzed by the need for perfect opportunity, and start seizing the raw, untapped potential of your life with God.

Are you willing to risk failure? Are you ready to get in the game? You may stumble, but you will find yourself falling forward, propelled toward the God-inspired adventure He intends you to live.

So yes, 2008 is the year of chasing daylight. :) Bring it on!

The Fruits of Book Fair 2007

So today I went to the Manila International Book Fair at the World Trade Center for some book loving. Some people I was supposed to go with backed out, but all’s good since nothing is going to stop me from going there. :P

Now come to think of it…it felt weird that I actually made it there on my own, without riding a cab. Wohoo!

Anyway, the moment I stepped inside the World Trade Center, I started to panic. Haha, book sales do that to me, seriously. I immediately headed to OMF Literature to get the Bible I’ve been wanting to have (it’s a purple pocket Bible from Zondervan), as well as some books I’ve been planning to buy and then after making my purchase (thank you Citibank), I went around again.

The only sad point of the day was when I got to this other booth selling Bibles. I saw the Bible I bought there which was P300 cheaper. I know that amount could not get me a portable oxygen concentrator but still, it’s P300. Three hundred Pesos. That’s already ONE book. Argh. And that’s still less 30%, so it would’ve been a steal for me! But I already bought the Bible, and it’s not like I could return it. Hay. I wish I could’ve looked around before buying the one from OMF.

LET IT GOOOOOO TINA! What’s done is done. Or in this case, what’s paid for is paid for.

After some more rounds, I bought some comics for my brother and another book, met up with Yam and finally went home. As much fun as it was for me buying books, it’s definitely more fun if I was with some close friends, like Tuesday or Happy or Bea. We’d all end up ogling at all the Bibles over there. Haha.

Admittedly, it feels like there are a lot of new stores in this year’s Book Fair. And I didn’t see Fully Booked or A Different Bookstore there. I wonder why?

Anyway, here’s today’s stash (not including my brother’s comics):

Book Fair 2007 Stash

  1. Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality by Donald Miller
  2. Chasing Daylight: Seize the Power of Every Moment by Erwin Raphael McManus
  3. Love, Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli
  4. TNIV Pocket Bible: Today’s New International Version

See. This year’s stash is definitely fewer than last year’s. I didn’t have a list when I got in, and I think that’s influenced it. Plus the fact that I’m more mindful of the things I’m spending for. Last year I think I went home with 10? Or maybe it’s just because I know I still have about 10 books I have yet to read, plus my dad’s bringing home two more by next week. So I’m still a happy little bookworm.

What about you? Have you been to this year’s Book Fair? (It ends tomorrow, by the way!) What did you get? :)