Tag Archives: HBP


Harry Potter 6 I finally watched Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince last Saturday.

And I’m sorry, but I found it boring.

I tried as much as I can to avoid the reactions of the other people after they watched the movie. Some people told me they loved/liked it, some people said it was meh, but I never asked for details because I wanted to see for myself. I loved the sixth book; I honestly thought it was one of the best books in the series, and it had me crying at the end (of course). I was kind of expecting the movie to be good…but that just shows that I haven’t learned how to lower my expectations of the Harry Potter movies. :P

I just thought it was too long and dragging. I may have a short attention span with the movies I watch, and anything that is beyond 2 hours is already  such. a. long. movie. for me. However, I found Transformers 2 and The Dark Knight quite long too, but I liked it. Maybe it’s because there’s more action there than Harry Potter 6?

I have a feeling I’ll be watching this one again and my opinion will change, but my first viewing was kind of a disappointment. Halfway through the movie, I wanted to just fast forward it and get to the end, just to get it all over with.

This seriously reminds me of the third movie, which I really didn’t like. Hay. So sad. This makes me want to read the book again just to console myself.

Anyway. That’s really not the point of the post. I found this little Harry Potter questionnaire from Candymag.com’s blog, and I thought it would be a fun thing to answer. Credits to them, of course. :)

1. What would amortentia smell like to you?
Ralph Lauren’s Polo Sport for Men (the one in the blue bottle).  Strawberry-watermelon scented perfume. Freshly brewed coffee.

2. If you looked into The Mirror of Erised, what would you see?
As in right now? Okay, me with the my guy (whoever he is), spending time together and doing things that I couldn’t do on my own or didn’t have the time to do when we aren’t together yet. Like traveling with friends, or watching a movie on the opening day despite the crowds or going on a date on Valentine’s Day…or going to bookstores together and giving recommendations to each other as we browse around the store. Ask me again in a few days and it might change. :P

3. Which particular memory would you focus on if you had to create a Patronus?
My family and my brother’s girlfriend on our way to the gates of Hong Kong Disney Land last May. :) We didn’t get in but it was so much fun running around the trains on the way to Disney Land. Oh, another memory would be the day I got my job offer at where I work now. :)

4. If it was possible to accio people, who would you summon right now?
My dad, most probably, who works in another country. Also my grade school best friend Jamie, who I haven’t seen since she last visited during junior year in high school. Or even just my college best friend, Bea, who I haven’t seen for months because of our busy schedules.

5. Where would you like to apparate to?
NYC. Or Australia. The places I have been aching to visit since last year.

6. What would your boggart look like?
Flying roaches and frogs. :/

7. If you drank a vial of felix felicis for breakfast, what would happen for the rest of the day?
It would be a sunny-but-not-too-hot day, with a slight breeze blowing every now and then. I’d be able to go to the gym and have a good work out and then chance upon a friend who’d give me a ride to work. We’d have a relatively low volume day, and our team would go out and eat lunch together. Later on, my friend and I would go visit the bookstore and I’d be able to get the last copy of the book I’ve been looking for with a very good discounted price. I’d give myself time to eat some ice cream for a change with some of my office friends that I haven’t seen yet, and then discover that I have some money in my pants pocket that I totally forgot about. I’d get a good commendation from work, a nice text message (heh), and then my brother would call me and say he’s driving by to pick me up from work. :)

Okay that was actually quite fun to answer. :) Ah, the magical world of Harry Potter. I don’t think today would be the same without these seven books, yes? What’s your favorite book? And what would your answers to the questions above be? :)