Tag Archives: Red Meets Blue

Script Frenzy 2008: Novels in Hollywood?

I was supposed to post something that my boss told me at work today, but something else caught my eye. :D I know I’m kind of been neglecting this website, which should’ve been launched, oh, I don’t know, 3 months ago but because of busy-ness, I couldn’t get around to sitting down and forming the site. Argh.

But let’s not get to that.

I got this from the Breaking News at the NaNoWriMo website:

I wanted to give everyone advance warning that the second-annual Script Frenzy will be commencing on April 1. We’ve moved it forward by two months, and made some changes to open it up to more writers. Now the escapade includes TV scripts, short film scripts, and adaptations of novels. As long as you cumulatively write 100 pages of script in April, you’re a winner.

If you’ve been thinking that one of your NaNoWriMo manuscripts would make an awesome movie or play, April is the ideal month to find out. I wrote my first screenplay for Script Frenzy last year, and learning to tell a big story using only dialogue ended up paying big dividends in my novel-writing as well. I’d say Script Frenzy made my novel dialogue and pacing 349% less sucky overall, bringing both of them all the way up to a third-grade level. A third-grade level! In just one month!

Sweet progress.

I was also pleasantly surprised by how easy the dreaded formatting turned out to be, and how many great pieces of free scriptwriting software there are out there to automate the whole process. Here’s to a heavily scripted April!


See the emphasized words? Adaptation of novels. That really made my day. I wanted to join Script Frenzy last year but backed out because of my schedule, plus I couldn’t write an all original screenplay without any basis like others who can put characters who are fascinated with collecting CAT5e. Even if I did use to write scripts back in high school, it was all based on another piece. I still like writing original prose than screenplays. My VD-PROD script was a perfect example, based on Shooting Star. Heh.

But I think I might just join this one. It’s my first time, and I’ll probably fail…but it’s a fun thing to try. :) I might be able to work on Red Meets Blue here, since I can see it more “on screen” than on paper. Or maybe that’s only because I make my characters burst into song all the time. Heh.

Is anyone planning to join Script Frenzy too? If you are, let me know! We can be writing buddies. :D

NaNoWriMo 2007 Notes

Sorry for the long nonpost. I was bombarded with lots of work, plus extra rakets here and there that I have to do (FOR ASLAN! More to this on a future post). Truth be told I really don’t have anything noteworthy to post right now so I thought I’d share to the world er, my readers (whoever you are) my upcoming NaNoWriMo 2007 novel ideas.

  • The working title of the novel is Red Meets Blue, much thanks to Matt Wertz for the lovely song. This is the second time I’m using a song as a title, the first time with A Page is Turned. I chose this (for now) because the colors red and blue means a lot of different things, which is sort of how my characters are — one is red, one is blue, but not in the traditional red-is-female-blue-is-male thing. :)
  • The tentative genre for now is Mainstream Fiction. It’s not exactly the chicklit and it’s not young adult either…it’s a mix of chicklit/ladlit (I think?), religious and romance…so I go for a somewhat vague genre.
  • I have two main characters, one female and one male. The female is Marianne Venia and the male is David de Gracia. Ooh, both surnames end with ‘a’. Anyway, they’re around 25 to 27 years old, both of them live in the same/near each other’s condo hotels somewhere in the Metro.
  • Marianne is a tough chick. Half European (which exactly is yet to be determined) and half Filipina, sings and plays the piano on random times, and no day job yet. She’s also an atheist/agnostic (not yet sure, will get back at this) and does whatever she wants to do because she wants it. Her dad left them when she was young, and her mom died soon after and she was taken by her aunts to be taken care of.
  • David is your regular nice guy. He goes to church, volunteers for causes, and is someone everyone gets along with. He’s also the manager and guitarist of Chasing Daylight (tentative name), an upcoming rock band. He’s quite strict with his personal standards and hangs out with the “right crowd,” which he grew up in.
  • Other characters are: April, the lead singer of Chasing Daylight and David’s close friend (see the emphasis), Nathan, David’s best friend and Chasing Daylight’s drummer, a yet to be determined famous band who will be having a concert which Chasing Daylight will be the front act, Marianne’s sort-of-boyfriend/fling…and so far…that’s it. Oh, some people will also be making a cameo appearance in the novel. ;)
  • The main plot is: band gets signed to play front act for a really popular band but female vocalist leaves for an emergency. Band could not back out, so they have to find a female vocalist. Nathan finds Marianne, who everyone loves but David dislikes because (although he doesn’t admit it) he think she’s not worth his attention because she doesn’t believe in God. Personalities clash and in the process, Marianne and David learns about God’s love, forgiveness and grace. Like what I told Grace earlier: This is what cheesy stories are made of. Hah.

And that’s it for now. For more NaNoWriMo 2007 goodness (tips, news and whatnot), hop over to More than Bitesized Fiction, my newly opened NaNoWriMo blog. :)

Red Meets Blue (Matt Wertz)

I know I’m so late with this, but I only really got to listen to this song and to this artist now. Some friends already mentioned his songs on old Livejournal posts, but I think that was back when I was still on dial-up, so listening to MySpace music is not really that fun. Today I found some of his songs in a random Multiply and decided to try them. And I just have to say: I’m in love with Matt Wertz. ♥ Matt Wertz reminds me a bit of Tyrone Wells, Ryan Cabrera and Rockwell Ryan. His songs are mostly acoustic with a pop feel and his lyrics are very honest, speaking of love, love lost, breaking up and of a love that is greater than us. He makes me want to learn how to play the guitar. Hee. I’m still digesting his songs, but I’m loving it so far. Here’s the first song I got, which I really, really love at first listen (You keep distracting me with your beauty…what a first line!). :D Listen to it and fall in love too. ;)


Red Meets Blue
Matt Wertz

You keep distracting me with that beauty
Leaving me wanting more
Reminding me of my duty
To lock these eyes to yours

I’ve never known a love so true
I want to see all of you
When green meets red and red meets blue
I want to see all of you

Sunlight dances with the distance
In her squinty eyed shoes
And I’m chasing down horizon
In hopes of being danced with too

I’ve never known a love so true
I want to see all of you
When green meets red and red meets blue
I want to see all of you

Daylight sings all that morning air brings
And I’m lost
I’m lost inside you

And I’ve never known a love so true
And I want to see all of you, all of you, all of you
When green meets red and red meets blue
I want to see all of you, all of you, all of you

Other personal favorites: I’m Sorry Mary, Counting to 100, 5:19, The Day Forever Died, Somedays, Sweetness in Starlight, That for You, Lonely Tonight. :) Please make his albums available locally? Please? It shouldn’t be as hard as looking for coogi, right?

Two of his albums are available off Amazon. Argh, why must CDs be so expensive there? Pfft. Anyway, to those who can afford, get his album! You won’t regret it! :)