Tag Archives: sci-fi

BTT: Fantasy and Sci Fi — say whut?

I’ve been planning to answer the past two weeks worth of Booking Through Thursday but I keep on missing it (I know I could answer it on another day but I forget that too). Eeep. Anyway, I finally caught up with this week and so here it is! This week’s question is:

One of my favorite sci-fi authors (Sharon Lee) has declared June 23rd Fantasy and Science Fiction Writers Day.

As she puts it:

So! In my Official Capacity as a writer of science fiction and fantasy, I hereby proclaim June 23 Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Day! A day of celebration and wonder! A day for all of us readers of science fiction and fantasy to reach out and say thank you to our favorite writers. A day, perhaps, to blog about our favorite sf/f writers. A day to reflect upon how written science fiction and fantasy has changed your life.

So … what might you do on the 23rd to celebrate? Do you even read fantasy/sci-fi? Why? Why not?

Honestly…I think the 23rd will just be a normal day for me. I never got into the fantasy/sci fi genre, even as I was growing up. Sure, I liked fairy tales just as much as the next person, but as I was growing up, I was more inclined to read Sweet Valley or anything that does not involve magic. Or long names. Or maps and different worlds. I’d really rather read a fluffy book than read about a Plano Dentist with magic powers or travels to outer space or something like that. No offense to those who like them, of course…

Animorphs # 2: The Visitor - my first Animorph book
Animorphs # 2: The Visitor - my first Animorph book

…oh, but wait. One of the book series I really loved during late elementary school and high school: Animorphs. It was introduced to me by my best friend (Hi Toni!). At first I thought it was a fluffy kind of book where the kids involved were a part of some kind of fantasy power type of thing, but lo and behold, it was about aliens! And war! And surprisingly, I was hooked on this sci-fi series. I waited for this book series month after month and collected up to…about Book # 36, and then stopped and now I’m trying to complete my collection. I have about 10 books left or something. Hm, maybe I should write a completely separate post on that. :P

But after that, I stopped and went to pick up books about real life (or at least, as close as it can to real life). I hardly wander through the fantasy section of the bookstore and the sci-fi covers make me feel dizzy because they’re all so busy. I haven’t even read any of the LOTR books, and once I dreamt of reading Eragon but I never got around to it. The Chronicles of Narnia is still waiting to be read on my shelf (for a year now). I have no aversion to the movies, but when it comes to books, I’m really just more of the realistic type of fiction — YA, Chick lit, women’s fiction, general fiction…although I kind of draw the line on historical fiction. I think the only fantasy novels I’ve managed to finish are the Mortal Instruments series (which I totally loved :p) and Harry Potter, of course. Oh, and Neil Gaiman’s Stardust. And my brain stops counting there. :P

I’m still looking to work on this genre just like how I’m working on my classics reading. Hm, so maybe I do have something to do on the 23rd now. Any Fantasy/sci-fi books you can suggest? :D