That's My Answer! # 2

Yes, I still have some unfinished sponsored posts to finish. Gah.

Again, quick survey taken from That’s My Answer. Today‘s question is:

If you found yourself with an extra $25, how would you spend it? What about an extra $100?

$25 is approximately Php 1,125. I’d probably just put it in my wallet and end up spending it all on food. And probably some books that I don’t want to card. And more food. Plus transportation. See, ever since I got my credit card, I’ve ended up using it for my big spenditures and whatnot. Hmm.

If I got an extra $100 though, that’s a different story. I’d probably save 1/3 of it somewhere, spend the next third on food and mindless luxuries (like books!) and get myself something different with the last third, something unique or something I need, like hoodia . Or, wait, I don’t need that pala.

Or, I could just save all those extra money for the soon-to-be dSLR fund, or for Mission: Sydney. :)

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