Labor Day

It’s way past May 1 already, but…belated Happy Labor Day! I am so happy that I am following Philippine holidays because it would be such a pain to go to work on holidays where all your friends are going out. Although that means there’s more complimentary day offs, I still love being off work on days when everyone else is also. ;)

So today I spent the morning fixing ticket orders for the Hillsong United event (just 24 days!), and then afternoon receiving payments and giving tickets for orders. Hahaha. It was crazy, I tell you, with me ordering tickets and getting a reply that there are still some then a minute later they’re gone. Crazy. I had some taray mode earlier, which is something I feel bad doing so but some can be just so annoying, it’s…annoying! But things were okay at the end of the day, so it’s all good.

Then I met up with some high school friends for a trip at Bonifacio High Street. Not a near place to hang out, but I love that place for its relaxed atmosphere, even if the stores are expensive. I got this cute star note-holder for my station at work at Hobbes and Landes (did I get it right?) for Php 75, which isn’t bad at all. :)

I know I’m like the social loser in my high school after high school (I think I posted something about this already; if not, I’ll probably post about this soon), but it’s always fun to hang out with my (small) circle of high school friends. :D Although I really love my college friends, the connection with my high school friends (or like what one of them has been saying: our wavelengths haha) is just solid. We could talk about anything, even life insurance rates, and we’d probably be laughing about it.

The only thing I didn’t like that happened is that I didn’t bring a camera. :| Our old digicam (Sony Cybershot something) is like a TV with the broken LCD and Chimon is such a pain to bring (and it’s more of Kuya’s camera). I was considering buying a Canon 450D at the end of the year but I realized that if I wanted to get one I should really be into the hobby…which I am really not. Well, not yet. So I’m thinking of buying a better digicam first (Canon Powershot probably?) then considering the dSLR again. Let’s see. :)

Anyway it’s almost 1:00am and I should sleep! I still have work! Happy Friday everyone.

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