Sick Day

Today I filed my first sick leave in the span of one and a half years. Yesterday caught me under the rain every time I would go out of the office, and I already had a sore throat the day before, and then the oh-so-annoying colds. This morning I woke up with a relentless cough and wheezing lungs. Hello, asthma. We meet again.

So I spent the entire day lying down, eating my sick-day soup (macaroni, squash, tofu, oregano, cabbage), watching TV and reading books. Oh, and sleeping too. It’s been an uneventful day, and I’m still coughing like there’s no tomorrow. This reminds me of how I was back in elementary, when I would get sick every now and then — if not fever, asthma, if not asthma, fever. Sometimes a bit more serious, but I always pull through.

It’s kind of hard commuting when you’re sick though. This just means I should go driving.

Er, anyway. It’s 9:30 and I should get to bed. After this CSI Miami episode. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow that I’ve got no time to think of auto parts franchises, so I better rest now. :)

Take care guys, don’t get too sick like me. :P