Tag Archives: Going Straight

In the brink of something beautiful

I’ve been wanting to make a graduation post for the past month already but I keep on stopping myself for the fear of jinxing the graduation by blabbing about it so much. Of course, that is just silly because the victory has been won already even before I started college (thank You for that!), but there’s just more drama when I write something nearer to the actual date. :P

Once again, I proved that the college I chose four years ago is really indeed so far away from where I live. My feet still ached from walking all day in heels yesterday. I am not a heels person. However, I should start getting used to it, right? When I start working, that is. Anyway, yesterday was our mandatory pre-graduation meet up in the school. It was the day when we pick up our graduation attire (as can be seen by the previous post), get class pictures taken, attend baccalaureate mass and rehearse for graduation. Talk about a tiring day — as Marvs mentioned in his blog, it was (almost) chaos. It was nice seeing my batchmates again, but it was just too tiring especially after my body got used to all the bumming I’ve been doing here.

So this is it. Well, almost it. Graduation ceremonies aren’t until Saturday, and though I am not really looking forward to wearing heeled shoes again, I am quite excited to get the feel of the ceremonies myself, as well as get this over with. I don’t know if I will shed some tears then — I feel like I won’t, but who knows? I could be a crybaby if I want to. But I bet, if I do shed some tears, it wouldn’t be mostly because of sadness but more of joy. Joy because it’s finally and truly over.

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