The 21st Birthday Wish List

[Updated: March 11, 2007, 7:30pm]
[Updated: March 12, 2007, 1:57pm]

[Updated: March 15, 2007, 10:00pm]

Jomar asked me to do something about this list to ensure that I don’t get two (or three or four or five) of the same gift if ever the people actually read this to give me a gift. Harhar. Anyway, so now I’m doing something about it now. I turned off my comments notification, and so now if you actually fell for my parinig bought me a gift from this wishlist, post a comment (anonymously) just to let everyone else who might want to buy something from my list know that that item has been bought. ((Haha, ang kapal ko rin ano.)) Got it?

I feel weird asking, but hey, like I said, indulge me. :P I only turn 21 once. :)

As of date, there are only 8 days to go 6 days to go 5 days 2 days to go before I turn the big two-one. And because of that, I’m going to be thick skinned and tell everyone who reads my blog what I want for my 21st birthday. :P Materialism at its finest, but I claim my right to be a brat for my birthday it’s fun to post wishlists like this in case someone decides to get them for me. Harhar. :P

Will be edited until that day comes. :p Again, indulge me. ;)