World Trade Center (2006)

Rating: [rate 5]
World Trade CenterThe World Saw Evil That Day. Two Men Saw Something Else.
Directed By: Oliver Stone
Starring: Nicolas Cage, Michael Peña, Maria Bello, Maggie Gyllenhaal
Runtime: 129 minutes

September 11, 2001, around 9:00pm Philippine time. I remember I was at home, on the Internet, minding my own business when my dad switched to CNN and saw a pillar of smoke coming from one of the Twin Towers. He told me about it, and all I did was glance at the TV, thinking it was just some kind of special movie effect, forgetting that it’s on CNN. The next day, I woke up to the news video of the two towers collapsing and going up in smoke. That afternoon, I went online and saw most of my online friends in one message board I post in all sharing sorrow over the tragedy.

It’s been five years since that happened, and since I wasn’t affected directly being on the other side of the world, the tragedy didn’t really have that much bearing on me. It saddened me mostly because of all the deaths, but I didn’t share the same sadness Americans felt for having to witness and experience such a big blow like that.

Last night, I was given a chance to watch World Trade Center, the true story of two Port Authority Police members John McLoughlin (Nicolas Cage) and Will Jimeno’s (Michael Peña) attempt to evacuate people, in turn getting trapped under the collapsed buildings and their rescue. It also shows how their families went through the entire ordeal, and how people, not only Americans, can find goodness amidst all the tragedy and evil in the world.

“It’s like God made a curtain of smoke, shielding us from what we’re not ready to see.”
– Staff Sgt. Karnes, before going to Ground Zero to help in the rescue mission.

The movie is quite long, and since it’s based on a true story, don’t expect anything other than a display of the buildings, some flashbacks, their families and their conversation as they wait for rescue underground. The movie was panic-inducing because of the idea that the rubble around them could collapse any time if there were more sudden movement. I was half-covering my eyes and fighting back the tears as I felt myself empathizing with the Americans, especially the families of John and Will. Although I don’t really know the two officers that the two actors portrayed, I think Cage and Peña were perfect for the roles.

My favorite part would be when Jimeno saw Jesus giving him a bottle of water when he closed his eyes. I think that is the best thing they included in the movie. :)

After watching it, I immediately read all the information I can on McLoughlin, Jimeno, the movie, the other casualties and the survivors. The movie sure opened my eyes and became more aware of the tragedy that happened five years ago, but it also made me see that people are born with good hearts. :)

And after watching the movie, do say a little prayer for all the people who lost their lives in this tragedy.

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