Tag Archives: anniversary


Happy Anniversary!

So…it’s been another year. :) Today, I celebrate my first year in my current company. That’s us, around September, during our photo shoot for the newsletter of our account. And no, that’s not what was shown in the newsletter, but it’s one of our wacky poses, which just goes to show how wacky we really are in real life.

Our team has gone through a lot for the past year. From the orientation, to trainings, to successful transition, to having difficult and hard to understand clients. There’s also when we were tapped for projects outside of our process that we can work on — video editing, posters, full color printing, etc. There were the awards that the team got that shocked everyone, that put us in a new status within the company, sort of. There was our almost monthly dinner every after payday, the videoke nights, the free dinners care of our team lead. There were also the sad times, where we shared in the loss of a teammate’s family, where we prayed for a teammate’s health when she was hospitalized. And there was also the struggles within the team — the misunderstandings, the unmet expectations and lack of professionalism. And then there’s the goodbyes of two teammates, and changes happening inside and outside the team that we all try to adjust to as much as we can.

That’s our team. We’re not perfect, and there were times I really want to strangle all of them because of me being the only girl left…but it’s also like family. We are friends as well as teammates, and it’s always a pleasure to be working with these guys (and hopefully another girl whoever the new hire is).

So…here’s to a year with these crazy guys. :D Happy anniversary! Best team na ‘to!

And as for me? How was my past year in the company been so far? :) It’s been one heck of a ride, and it’s far from over. :) Even if things aren’t as good as it seems to be with all the changes happening, I think I’m going to be in here for the long run. :D Great adventure!

Thank You Lord. :)