Tag Archives: growing up

Baptisms but no weddings

This morning during our last breakfast with Papa for his visit here in the country in Tropical Hut, my high school friend Chris arrived with some of his officemates from Teletech to eat breakfast. Because of his arrival, my mom, dad and I got to talking and then I stated one of my observations again: You’re getting older if you are starting to attend weddings instead of debuts.

Which is true, right? I mean, from fourth year high school up to smack in the middle of college, one of the most common events that everyone dresses up for and goes to are debuts of their female friends/classmates. After that, the next event would have to be weddings of their friends/classmates, and it wouldn’t be after a few more years (unless someone gets married right after college).

It’s just sad because I realized that I’ve heard more of baptisms from some of my friends instead of weddings. I wasn’t invited (I’m not a loner during high school, but I guess in some way I’m kinda socially inept. Haha, that’s the worst word I can use. I have personal issues during high school, things that I have noticed recently, but let’s reserve that for another entry), but I’ve heard some news from my friends who are more in touch. Of course, the age-range for my batch/generation/whatever you want to call us is way to young to get married (19-22). But it’s even way younger than the age we should be having children. You know?

I’m not condemning those people who I know that already have children at such a young age. I just feel sad that there seems to be more young women that I know that have children but are not married yet.

And then I watched in The Buzz earlier, before we left for the airport…and they were talking about Aleck Bovick being three months pregnant, I think…and they’re not even married. They are in a relationship, but you know, no wedding yet. The worst thing about that is, it feels and sounds okay.

That’s just…well, sad. Like I said, I’m not condemning the women who have children outside marriage or are pregnant right now or whatever case similar, I know that children are God’s gift and all…I just feel sad about the fact that it feels and sounds okay to the society that a couple in a relationship and who are probably headed for marriage would decide to “make love” before getting married with the excuse of “we’re headed toward that anyway” hanging over their heads. Wouldn’t it have been more magical if it happened the night after the wedding?

I’m sorry if this post offended anyone in any way. I’m just sharing my sentiments. Peace. :)

Fear God and nothing else

As if an answer to yesterday’s post, I got this in my daily Elisabeth Elliot devotional:

Fear God and Fear Nothing Else
Author: Elisabeth Elliot
Source: A Lamp for my Feet
Scripture: Psalm 27:1, Proverbs 19:23

The world is shaking with fear. “What will become of us? Where will it all end? What if Russia…? What if cancer…? What if expression…?” The love of God has wrapped us round from before the foundations of the world. If we fear Him–that is, if we are brought to our knees before Him, reverence and worship Him in absolute assurance of his sovereignty, we cannot possibly be afraid of anything else. To love God is to destroy all other fear. To love the world is to be afraid of everything–what it may think of me, what it may do to me, what may happen today or tomorrow for which I am not prepared.

“The Lord is the stronghold of my life–of whom shall I be afraid?” (Ps 27:1 RSV).

And yet, Lord, the truth is that I am often afraid. I confess it. All the weight of your promises seems sometimes to be only a feather, and the weight of my fears is lead. Reverse that, Lord, I pray. Give me the healthy fear that will make light of all the others–“The fear of the Lord is life; he who is full of it will rest untouched by evil” (Prv 19:23 NEB).

I’ve always found Ms. Elliot’s devotionals very helpful and timely, as if God intervened so that devotional would be sent to me today, after I expressed my doubts and fears yesterday (and I truly believe He did just that!). Lord, thank You for this message…and I pray for what Ms. Elliot prayed…please reverse the feeling of fear and increase my faith…I admit that I fear most of the time and I forget Your promises, and Lord I ask that You take away all my fears and help me to trust in You and to believe in Your promise. Amen.

My dad is going back to Saipan tomorrow. :( Oh well, I’ll see him soon enough. I hope you get there safely Pa! :) Haha, I know you’ll be reading this. :P Wohoo, see you reaaaal soon. :)

Happy July everyone! :) We’re on the second half of the year already — whoa! Before we know it, it’s 2007 already…I hope by that time, I have a job already. :P Who knows, I may be finally able to buy gifts for my friends using my own hard-earned money this year! That should be something to look forward to. :) Here’s to the last 6 months of 2006! :)

Leaps of Faith

I figure it’s time for some serious blogging, aside from reviews. I’ve been talking too much about the things I’ve watched and read lately that this is becoming a review blog.

I’m almost done with my self-imposed vacation, and I shall start my job hunting tomorrow. Well, I’ll start it on Monday, actually, since tomorrow isn’t a business day. But tomorrow, I shall fix my resume, beef up my portfolio a bit and then fix my JobStreet and JobsDB resumes as well. And then it’s work time…or at least, job hunt time.

I make it sound so easy, but you know what? I’m terrified. I still feel like a fish out of the water, a chicken running around with its head cut off. I still feel so inadequate and to think I graduated from one of the top universities in the country.

Continue reading Leaps of Faith