Tag Archives: happy

From the top of my head

I’ve been out all day and I am so tired. I woke up early to hear the mass with my family, then met up with Happy so we could go fetch Tuesday from the airport. Then we went to Tuesday’s house for lunch, and we looked at all the stuff she brought home from her vacation (thank you for the funky notebooks and the Ikea container :D), and hung out at their place all afternoon to laugh at her sleepiness, oooh and ahh with all the random trinkets she brought home as she unpacked her luggage sets and read. On the way home, Happy and I stopped over at Bonifacio High Street to check out the iSkin that Happy is buying for Tuesday. Happy and I then had dinner at Binalot, then went to Krispy Kreme in time for their hot light and bought half a dozen doughnuts each, and then went home. Now I’m home, finished watching CSI:NY’s latest episode and I’m hitting the sack in a few minutes since it’s back to work tomorrow (and again, I’ve said this a million times: I love how I’m not dreading Mondays anymore :D). What a loooong day, and it was fun (though it’s funny how we were all lazy to take photos — so much for documenting these stuff ^^; ), and I love spending it with my girls. :)

Before I finally go to dreamland, let me write a few things from the top of my head which I shall probably write about sometime soon and am writing here because I am simply too tired to write them down on my offline journal:

  • I’m not much of a Krispy Kreme fan because it’s too sweet, too expensive and too far away for me to get some, but when I got the free, freshly baked one earlier, I was…blown away. Yes, I’ve never had a Krispy Kreme doughnut that is hot like that. Heh. Yummeh. =P~ I now have half a dozen of it to share with my family. :)
  • I’ll be taking a day off from work on Tuesday to spend with la familia. I hear we’re going to Tagaytay, which means (late) lunch at Josephine’s, and I’m thinking of sharing some part of the bill if we do eat there. And take lots and lots and lots of photos. :)
  • As much as hanging out with these two girls is always the highlight of my week/month, I can’t help but feel sad about something about someone. I feel like I’m losing a friend. A little effort is all I ask, is that so hard? Hay.
  • It feels weird typing on Aslan with a keyboard protector. Plus it still looks like my keyboard is kind of greasy. I should get a new microfiber cloth and clean Aslan.
  • I read an old friend’s blog a little earlier and it makes me feel sad that there’s a lot of things I don’t know about her anymore. Well, maybe I’m just not updated. She just feels so…faraway. And I miss her. Hmm.
  • Ugly Betty Season 1-2! Yay! Can anyone lend me House, please?
  • If I want to finish 50 books this year, I better finish the two books I’ve started..like soon. And post a progress bar here so you guys can bug me about it.
  • I really should sleep.

Rest well, everyone. :)

A very HAPPY birthday

Happy Birthday, Happy!

I really didn’t get to know you on the first night we met each other, on the night we first attended the GenRev night at ECR. I got to know your name during the LSPO prayer meeting, where only you and Kina got attended it in behalf of GenRev. Then we attended another night, and that was when we all got to talk to each other.

We didn’t really talk until one day at the tambayan. I think you ended up being there because you have a long break and I just happened to be there too…and that was when we talked. Talked and talked and talked and talked about so many things — school, life, our communities, God. In High School Musical words, it was the start of something new. It was the start of your being an official YFC GenRev tambay, and the start of our friendship. :)

Your name definitely lives up to how you make the people around you feel. Seeing you in school always makes me smile because I know that if we ever stop where we are standing and talk, we’d talk soooo much that we won’t ever stop. Haha. Plus you complete the Gilmore foursome — if it weren’t for you being a member of GenRev, I would not have been able to taste the goodness that is Happy Veggie Village. If it weren’t for you, there would be no Happy’s Veggie Girls. :D

We don’t get to see each other as often now, but I’m glad for the times we get to text/talk/see each other. Haha. Soon we’ll be able to see each other a lot more…well, depending on where God brings us in the future, but I’m pretty sure He won’t forget the friendship He had grown in us. :) I’m really glad that I found a sister in you, and like I what I told you through text: hanggang sa pagtanda na ‘to. :P Happy’s Veggie Girls Forever! ;) HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAPPY! =) I am and will always be here for you. May you have a blessed year ahead, and may you be a woman after God’s own heart. :) See you soon dear. ♥