Tag Archives: letting go

This Day Last Year: August 22, 2005

I just got four fresh blisters on my feet, two on each foot. This is what I get with walking in leather shoes along EDSA early this morning. I must get used to wearing leather shoes already.

Oh, and I am not to keen on divulging whatever happened to what I posted yesterday until I finally decided. So hold on tight, you’ll know about it soon enough. But if you could squeeze in a prayer for me that I might make the right decision, then I’d really appreciate it. :D

Anyway, let’s walk down memory lane for a bit. :) To those who don’t know (which probably is everyone who’s reading this unless you’ve been a friend of mine for the past three years or something), I have a good long term memory. So good, that my friends call me the “Human Calendar”. My talents include being able to remember specific things that happen to me as far as a year, and sometimes longer, depending on the event. And when I say specific, I mean very specific — I can remember the time (or if not, the time of day), the clothes a specific person is wearing and the events as they happened. It’s weird, but this kind of talent is handy especially when I’m on major nostalgia mode.

Okay, so my friend actually has an explanation for this. He told me than when there are important moments in your life — moments when you felt really happy or sad or whatever extreme emotion — your brain secretes a hormone that makes you remember that specific moment. Oh, and apparently, this is also what happens when you get to watch porn or something else similar.

Anyway, so this day last year…this day marks the week where I started to “wake up” from my old notions and learn something new. That was deep. :P I shall elaborate.

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