Tag Archives: New Moon

New Moon Trailer

I haven’t exactly blogged it before, but to those who care (or not haha), here’s some news: I’m not exactly a Twilight fan anymore. I know I raved about the books before, but when I was done with Breaking Dawn, I wondered why I even liked the series in the first place. I have to say that the first three books were okay, but the fourth was really just blah, that every time I see a boxed set or any of the books in any bookstore I visit, the only reactions I have are either to gag or to laugh. No offense to Twilight fans, of course.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t like the movie. Okay, I didn’t exactly totally love the Twilight movie, it was okay. Bella is even better in the movie than in the book, except that I always imagined that Bella’s voice was higher compared to the Kristen’s.

But I digress. This just came out today:


Edward/Robert Pattinson is still the same in the trailer (although he seemed to be even paler here, like he had too much acne treatment), and I’m glad to see more of the Cullen family (at least at the start)…but the real and most notable of all characters in this trailer is (you guessed it right) Jacob. Taylor Lautner, since when did you get so buff? :P There’s just a little shot of him here, but that shot of him there just reminded me of Steven Strait from The Covenant. Don’t you think?

So, I’d have to say, I’m going to watch this movie, not because I’m a fan of the saga, but because of Jacob. Haha wait, did that make sense? But I will watch this. Jacob! ♥

New Moon (Stephenie Meyer)

Rating: [rate 3.5]

New Moon (Stephenie Meyer)

I knew we were both in mortal danger. Still, in that instant, I felt well. Whole. I could feel my heart racing in my chest, the blood pusling hot and fast through my veins again. My lungs filled deep with the sweet scent that came off his skin. It was like there had never been any hole in my chest. I was perfect – not healed, but as if there had never been a wound in the first place.

So, the sequel to Twilight. I don’t know how to write this review, but maybe that’s only because I have this headache from that too short of a nap I had earlier. But anyway. New Moon is the sequel to Twilight, the YA vampire story I raved about last week. I have been quite excited to read this one, but I had to stop myself to picking this up immediately just so I have the time to really digest the first book. And amazingly, I finished this in a short period of time, which spoke of my interest of the book.

New Moon is a good book…but I personally think it’s not at par with Twilight. I felt sad when the first “tragic” thing happened. After that I got irritated by Bella’s…nonexistence. I don’t know, her clinginess annoyed me, just like it irked me in the previous book. Of course, I can’t really relate because I haven’t experienced whatever Bella has…but the entire “hole in my chest” thing that lasted for months is just too much. Maybe I’m just being cynical. But I still like Bella and she could really use some medicare advantage with everything that happened to her in the novel.

The bright spot in the entire novel is Jacob Black. He was interesting enough in the first book, but he really shone in this one. I loved how gruff he was, and how he was Bella’s “personal sun.” I bet he could be anyone’s personal sun, with his personality. I love how much he loved Bella, and how he can be a friend to her even the circumstances. I love how playful he can be with his “brothers”. I felt sad when the inevitable came in the book, and I badly wanted him to have something other than “leftovers” from Bella…and in the end he didn’t get even that. :( Well, yet.

The book was good, but not really as good as Twilight for me to gush over. I’m still curious about Eclipse, and most probably I’m going to be buying that soon even if it’s hardcover, just to satisfy my curiosity. I do think that this is an important part of the entire series, so this book shouldn’t be skipped. And yes, I’m also saying that because of Jacob Black. ;)