Tag Archives: personality quiz

Getting to know me

Because I’m procrastinating having a hard time writing the feedback forms I’m supposed to email before the end of my shift on this light payday Friday, and I’m also having a hard time writing a blog post with substance (one that doesn’t outline what I did for the entire day alone), here’s something I picked up from other blogs, especially from LiveJournal and Multiply.

This is one of those numerous personality tests online that looks like Kokology questions (I loved that book), which tells you who you are based on what you choose given certain situations (e.g., you are walking in a forest, what do you see, etc etc). I saw a similar test like this in Candy magazine years ago, but I couldn’t remember how I fared. So here’s another one, with the questions, the answers I gave and my comments (just so this would be a longer and less random sounding blog entry :D). Comments in italics. :)

Question # 1: Imagine that you are walking along a path. What do you see around you?
Answer: A yellow corn field against a brilliant blue sky.
Interpretation: (View on Self) You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don’t like conflict. Because you’re so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.
I…have no comments. Haha. Really, I am? I can be pretty friendly, I guess. Cheerful most of the time. I’m not sure if people are “naturally attracted to me and like to talk to me” since I know I give off the “suplada” vibe. Or do I?

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