The Real 10k

So I did say I was going to run 10k during the Nat Geo Run last April 18. I wanted to, I really wanted to, but we were late and we had a hard time parking and we were in a hurry. This is why I never blogged about it, because I didn’t feel like blogging how I didn’t really get to run 10k after all. Good thing the shirt was pretty, though. :P

I promised myself I would run that 10k by hook or by crook, so when I heard that the second leg of the Runrio Trilogy is open for registration, I’m all for 10k. My brother registered me, and I had more than a month to prepare and get a lot of friends to join us (and face it, running is in, more than getting cheap health insurance). What’s running when you’re not with friends, right?

In preparation for the race, I had to have my gear. :P I know, I know, I’m using this as an excuse to shop, but leave me be. At least I have my running gear…sort of. :)

So anyway, how was the race?

  • I planned to sleep early and wake up early on the day before the race. I was ready for bed by 8, but I had to wait for my brother and his girlfriend to get home, and in the end, we all slept by 12. To wake up at 4. Torture much.
  • The next morning, we just had coffee and off we went to The Fort. Funny thing is, we were late again! We had a hard time parking, and when we got out, we saw the 10k runners on the go. Oops! We weren’t really that worried, since we had the timing chips, so it wouldn’t matter if we would were late.
  • There were a lot of 5k runners again, but not as many as the one in the Century Tuna Run. It was still hard to slip by to start running, so we waited for the gun start for 5k. Our results ended up being in 5k, at least until I emailed.
  • I was doing quite well for the start, but that was until I realized: I had to pee. It was the coffee’s fault, I swear! I was still running with my brother and his girlfriend then, so I told them the first portalet I saw, I will stop and pee. Thank goodness the first water station had a portalet, which was still relatively clean. It felt so good to pee, heh. :P
  • The run was relatively smooth. I wanted to do a 3:1 or 5:1 run/walk ratio, but I couldn’t manage anymore after I peed. Eep. I just alternated running and walking instead, making the watering stations as a marker when to walk again.
  • And speaking of water: I have never felt so happy to see so many water stations. :D I don’t normally drink 100 Plus, but I find that I liked the yellow one.
  • I used my Nike+ to track my run, and I was really glad to see that I reached 5k earlier than I normally do. :) That Nike+ was a great gadget, too — it’s motivating to see the pace, distance and all that during the run and see how my run was afterwards. This is what my 10k looked like after:
  • Reaching the finish line really felt good! I knew I could make it, but actually getting there is priceless. Well worth all the preparations I did. :D

Final time? 1:17:16. My 10k on a treadmill is 10:21:something. Not bad for a first timer, right? And I had more PhotoVendo shots, too! Look:

So, it was a pretty awesome run. I promised myself that I would not run less than 10k anymore — unless of course I’m injured or sick, or if I’m going to try a trail run. :P I’m glad I decided to push myself to reach 10k this time. :)

Oh, and there were no celebrity sightings, but I did get this picture:

Excuse all the sweat, I just finished 10k here. :P Rio was nice enough to pause long enough from the work in organizing a race to have a picture taken with him. :)

So yay! When’s the next? :)