I spent some time before going to work yesterday spiffying up Aslan‘s desktop. :D I’m not really much of a “change wallpaper every now and then” person — in fact, there would be times I hardly notice my wallpaper. Or I’d have no wallpaper at all because of my computer’s slowing down. ^^; Hee. But since I know Aslan can take it…okay, let’s just go to the desktop screenshot already:
Don’t you just love how cheerful it looks? :D It’s no secret that I love sunflowers, and a few days before I fixed Aslan’s, Guilo’s (my office computer) is already on sunflower mode. I decided to look for one for Aslan, and found this amazingly HUGE and bright sunflower wallpaper somewhere online. :D Whee. Looking at it always makes me smile. :)
Icons on my desktop are only two: my hard drive and my torrents folder, which is currently empty. Heh. See I made the hard drive icon into a sun, so it’s really summer?
Stuff on my dock: Finder, iCal, Mail (I sometimes use this ^^;), iTunes, iPhoto, PhotoBooth, System Preferences, Firefox, Adium, MS Word, MS Excel, Photoshop, Transmission, TextWrangler, MAMP, VLC, Keyboard Cleaner, Heroes of Might and Magic 5 and Grab, which I used to take the screenshot. And of course, the trash bin. :D That may seem a lot, but believe me, I’ve seen other people’s Macs with a FULL and tiny dock. :P
Oh, and finally, I installed ShapeShifter, this program that changes the themes for Mac OS X, and my theme right now is called Fantastic. Like I said, it makes everything look so cheerful. :D
This definitely makes me excited for summer. Which reminds me, maybe I should change my office desktop from the plain sunflower on white background into something similar like this — all blue and yellow? Hm, why not?
Summer’s hereeee! I can feel that this summer is definitely going to be better than the last — I have two beach trips to look forward to. :P And probably more to come! Good thing I have good travel insurance. ;)
Have a great day ahead, everyone. :D