
I am back after a one day Error 509 Bandwidth Exceeded day. I never knew that I could eat up my bandwidth (4GB) within ten days? I never expected that, since I never really ran out of bandwidth before. Is my blog finally reaching some sort of “popular” status, or is it only because I have too many graphics in this layout and I like refreshing my screen (I bet on the latter :p). I know my site isn’t as popular as treatmentacne.net, though. :P Anyway, I upgraded my hosting plan just to accomodate my space and bandwidth needs for the rest of the year. I stopped blogging because I know I’d probably eat up my bandwidth before I get to post, so I waited until I can finally pay for my upgrade. Kudos to my host, Protagonist Webhosting. :)

I have some serious things to talk about, which I won’t just yet because…well, I can’t really write about it for now. But it’s definitely stirring up some emotions that I wish were gone but won’t be until I finish the task.

But I’ll cross the bridge when I get there. :)

Anyway, everyone’s been doing the Lakbayan thing since Independence Day. I finally took it and here’s my result:

My Lakbayan grade is C-!
How much of the Philippines have you visited? Find out atLakbayan!
Created by Eugene Villar.

Well that’s understandable. I’ve only been to some places in the Visayas region and one in Mindanao (I ♥ Davao!) while other places in Luzon are places I pass through. Not much of a traveler, except maybe for the different YFC International Leaders Conferences I’ve been in.

It’s no secret I want to travel around the Philippines, so this is a good start. I’m going to set myself a goal: raise my Lakbayan grade to at least a B- within the year. How about that? This means I really have to get up and organize outings and whatnot, just to be able to go to the places I want to go to that I haven’t been in before. Anyone want to come with me? :)

3 thoughts on “Upgrades”

  1. Hi Tina! Glad you enjoyed Lakbayan. Good luck on achieving B- by year end. I’m telling you it’ll be hard (and will take lots of money). Clue: cover Palawan extensively. :)

    Interesting that you exceeded your bandwidth limit. I myself am trying to fight the bandwidth Lakbayan is eating up with various measures. :p

  2. Honestly, I’m afraid to do this lakbayan thing. I’ve never really been to many places. If I’m going to fill up my map, it’s only going to fill places in Luzon. ‘Yun lang. Hehe.

  3. Eugene: I’m ambitious that way. :P But I’ll be happy with a C+ if I don’t get the B-. Oooh, Palawan! I’ve always wanted to go there, but we always go to the popular places instead. I almost went there one year but the YFC conference was moved to Clark. Oh well. I’ll get there. :P

    Prudence: The first time I tried this, for some reason I got an F! Haha, I forgot the places I “passed through”. I want to be able to fill Mindanao and Visayas areas, but mostly on Mindanao since I didn’t get to go around as much when we went there. :)

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