22 years of existence and 4 years of friendship

Happy 22nd birthday, Louie!

I remember I met you during the LPEP, while we were eating our snacks at the now-extinct Aquarium. You and Vida were so noisy at your table that it wasn’t hard not to notice you. We became inseperable during the LPEP, and you became unforgettable because of all the things you get yourself into. Who could forget your countless crushes — from your first block crush to the how many other crushes you have had ever since. It was always fun to be with you because you never failed to make other people good, to make other people laugh. You were one of my major ego boosters during some of my depressing periods in my college life, and you were also there during times when I celebrated (how could I forget being the first one I hugged when we finally passed IS-RESM?). If I try to list all the memories I have with you, I’d run out of room. :P

I just realized that I’ve never been to any of your birthday parties — starting from your debut four years ago. I hope I get to be with you during your birthday this year, before I finally bid goodbye to school.

I pray that more blessings come to your life. I pray that He gives you the courage and strength to face the challenges in your life, and you will be victorious. I also pray that you will soon meet the Prince Charming that you have been waiting for so long already. :P But, rest assured if he doesn’t come yet, you’re still a very beautiful princess that God and I love very much. :)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LOUIESEXY! :) Thanks for everything, and may my graduation not mean an end to our friendship. Here’s to more lunch outs, outings and years of birthdays and friendships to come. I love you!