Tag Archives: birthdays

Soul Sisters ♥

Happy Birthday, Bea!

Now where should I start? You’re one of the reasons why I am where I am right now, and why I am who I am. I wouldn’t be back in the community if it weren’t for you (and Myka) always asking where I was, “bugging” me to go to the tambayan. I knew there was a reason why I went to the discovery camp back in 2004 (and Engel saying I was her simple joy) was because I’d meet you.

I’ve only known you for two and a half years, but I feel like we’ve known each other all our lives. I love how you understand me and my quirks, how we always seem to understand each other, how comfortable we are about talking about God. I love how assured you are of God’s love, how dedicated and passionate you are of GK. Most especially I love how you never judge a person, but you love them just the same. Actually, there’s so much I love about you, and that’s why you’re my best friend — too many reasons to write. ;)

On this special day of yours (which I missed by 4 minutes last night!), I pray that God will bring you to places where you could shine even brighter than you do before. I pray that God will continue to make your heart bigger so as to accommodate even more people inside. I pray that He takes care of you and your mom and everyone else you love. I pray that despite all the trials you have experienced and will experience in your twenty-first year, you will still continue to smile and laugh and make other people smile and laugh, because the world wouldn’t be the same without that Beaboo cheer. I pray that you touch more lives, that they may see through you (just as I have) that God is a good and loving God. I pray that our friendship will last longer, grow stronger, until we are all old and have our grandchildren playing with each other in your big flower garden, where we will all spend our afternoons with our GG’s and closest friends. And finally, I pray that on your twenty-first year, you’ll grow into the woman that God has made and is making you to be. :) Actually there’s so much more I pray for you, but it won’t fit. :P

Bea, Beaboo, Bei, Liberty, Billie, Boo, Pink 5, Awesome Chick, Princess…so many names, all the same great woman. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARIE BEATRICE LIBERTY O. CORTEZ! :) You don’t have to be demure for people to love you; we love you just the way you are, Princess Chick. :D Sister to sister, yours in life and death. I love ya, soul sister. ♥

Anak and Inang

Happy Birthday, Gigie!

I was there at your camp, but being the antisocial girl I am, I only stuck to the people I knew. I remember you thought I was your classmate in one of your Eco class. :P I disappeared from YFC after, but then I got back, but I never knew how to talk to you. To be honest I was kind of afraid because I didn’t know how to approach you and such.

And then God put you in my household. Now that’s divine intervention. :) I was nervous, but I set it aside because I know I had a resposibility towards you. No matter how much you annoyed my partner, I wanted to get to know you. And I’m really, really glad I did. You’re one of the people who made my last year in college worth it. True to your birthday, you’re one of the most loving people I know. Words cannot express how much you made my year brighter — be it your diligence in attending households to the way you call me “Inang”…and to the way you have grown in Christ, which I am privileged enough to have seen. :)

You’re one of my dearest friend and sister, and I hope we’d get to be that way for a long, long time. :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY DEAR ANAK GIGIE! :) Thank you so much for everything. I’ll see you on Saturday, okay! Music and Lyrics! I love you! ♥

The Ultimate Birthday

Your birthday is the most popular in the whole world because everyone celebrates it. And I mean everyone. Even the ones in the remotest areas know that this day is special, I bet. Your birthday is also the inspiration of a lot of novels, movies and TV specials; in fact, everyone feels special on Your birthday, as if it was theirs too. Everyone gives everyone else gifts, and every family prepares a HUGE dinner at the Eve of Your birthday — it’s like one big birthday party all over the world.

It’s sad to think, though, that most people forget that it is Your birthday on Your birthday, that they forget to greet You. Everyone’s happy, but more often than not, people forget about You, the celebrant. People forget the reason why they celebrate with all these gifts and food; people forget the night where Your mom and earthly dad wandered around your hometown and end up in a stable where You were born, when You deserve to be born in a palace.

So this year, I pray that everyone remembers You this time. That in the midst of the gift-giving, Christmas wreaths, the eating and the festivities, people would pause even for just a minute and remember that it’s Your birthday and if it weren’t for Your coming into the world, we wouldn’t be where and who we are right now. :) I know You know this already, but just so You know (again), we’re having cake tonight for You. :)

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY DEAR JESUS. ♥ ♥ ♥ I can’t wait to see You smile this big when we are all together and celebrate Your birthday up there with You. :) I love You! ♥ ♥ ♥

About that time, Caesar Augustus ordered a census to be taken throughout the Empire. This was the first census when Quirinius was governor of Syria. Everyone had to travel to his own ancestral hometown to be accounte for. So Joseph went from the Galilean town of Nazareth up to Bethlehem in Judah, David’s town, for the census. As a descendant of David, he had to go there. He went with Mary, his fiancée, who was pregnant.

While they were there, the time came for her to give birth. She gave birth to a son, her firstborn. She wrapped him in a blanket and laid him in a manger, because there was no room in the hostel.

There were shepherders camping in the neighborhood. They had set night watches over their sheep. Suddenly, God’s angel stood among them and God’s glory blazed around them. They were terrified. The angel said, “Don’t be afraid. I’m here to announce a great and joyful event that is meant for everybody, worldwide: A Savior has just been born in David’s town, a Savior who is Messiah and Master. This is what you’re to look for: a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in a manger.”

At once the angel was joined by a huge angelic choir singing God’s praises:

“Glory to God in the heavenly heights,
Peace to all men and women on earth who please him.”

As the angel choir withdrew into heaven, the sheepherders talked it over. “Let’s get over to Bethlehem as fast as we can and see for ourselves what God has revealed to us.” They left running, and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger. Seeing was believing. They had told everyone they met what the angels had said about this child. All who heard the sheepherders were impressed.

Mary kept all these things to herself, holding them dear, deep within herself. The sheepherders returned and let loose, glorifying and praising God for everything they had heard and seen. It turned out exactly the way they’d been told!

– Luke 2:1-20 (The Message)

Merry Christmas, everyone! May we all remember the reason for the season. :) God bless!

A very HAPPY birthday

Happy Birthday, Happy!

I really didn’t get to know you on the first night we met each other, on the night we first attended the GenRev night at ECR. I got to know your name during the LSPO prayer meeting, where only you and Kina got attended it in behalf of GenRev. Then we attended another night, and that was when we all got to talk to each other.

We didn’t really talk until one day at the tambayan. I think you ended up being there because you have a long break and I just happened to be there too…and that was when we talked. Talked and talked and talked and talked about so many things — school, life, our communities, God. In High School Musical words, it was the start of something new. It was the start of your being an official YFC GenRev tambay, and the start of our friendship. :)

Your name definitely lives up to how you make the people around you feel. Seeing you in school always makes me smile because I know that if we ever stop where we are standing and talk, we’d talk soooo much that we won’t ever stop. Haha. Plus you complete the Gilmore foursome — if it weren’t for you being a member of GenRev, I would not have been able to taste the goodness that is Happy Veggie Village. If it weren’t for you, there would be no Happy’s Veggie Girls. :D

We don’t get to see each other as often now, but I’m glad for the times we get to text/talk/see each other. Haha. Soon we’ll be able to see each other a lot more…well, depending on where God brings us in the future, but I’m pretty sure He won’t forget the friendship He had grown in us. :) I’m really glad that I found a sister in you, and like I what I told you through text: hanggang sa pagtanda na ‘to. :P Happy’s Veggie Girls Forever! ;) HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAPPY! =) I am and will always be here for you. May you have a blessed year ahead, and may you be a woman after God’s own heart. :) See you soon dear. ♥

Mother and Daughter

Happy Birthday, Mama!

We don’t always get along, and I remember we used to have shouting matches here at home over some petty thing. However, there are moments when I remember crying because I was afraid you’d get hurt, or crying because you feel bad about something. Whenever we argue, I always, always feel my worst. But you know what? We’re more similar than I thought we were. And you know what (again)? I don’t mind being like you. :)

I know I may not be the best daughter around, but I know that you always try to be the best mother you can be, and I really, really appreciate that. I may not show it as much, but believe me, I do. Thank you for being so forgiving, for always praying for us, for always putting our best interest at hand, and for loving us completely. I know that by the end of the day, you’ll be the one waiting for me to get home (and texting me relentlessly about where I am and all that).

I’m happy that you’re given another year to spend with us, and I pray that there will be many many more years to come. :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAMA! ♥ I love you! ♥ ♥ ♥


Happy Birthday, Kuya Don!I remember seeing you the first time during my covenant orientation, I think, where you gave a talk. I was always shy around you then, because I really didn’t know how to talk to you. The first words you actually spoke to me was during the Sumulong Mega Camp, when I was looking at the participants in our classroom while Talk 4 was being given…I think you said, “Don’t be afraid…the light will shine in the darkness. God loves you.” Something like that. :)

Then I missent you a text quote, and then you asked me if I wanted to have YFC in my high school alma mater. Of course I said yes, because I’ve been dreaming of that since I got into YFC. It was then I became “volunteer-ed”. :P Haha.

You’re one of the people who really inspired me in my service in YFC. Your famous, “Mahal mo ba si God/Do you love God?” line always gets to us when you’re asking us to do something difficult but important. Your words are always comforting, and you never failed to make us happy just by smiling and greeting us. :)

I’m really, really thankful that I missent that message because if not, I wouldn’t have known someone as great as you. :) Happy birthday, Kuya Don, East High School’s own Winnie the Pooh! :) I miss you so much! Hope to see you soon. God bless you! ♥

Father Dearest

Happy Birthday, Papa!One of the things I realized while I was being stressed out by our thesis is that one calming word from a parent can easily dissolve all your fears. And it’s true, because back then, during the times I was scared silly of our upcoming thesis things, I would hear/read an assuring word from my parents and I know that everything will be okay.

If I try to write all the things you’ve done for me here, I’d never finish. So I won’t, because I think that even if I don’t write it, people can see how good of a father you are to us. :) We’ll always be grateful that God blessed us with a good father like you. :) Swerte talaga kami.

Thank you for everything. :) I think I can say that I am a daddy’s girl because I always feel calm and protected when I’m with you, or when I hear you assuring me that things will be okay. Kaya idol kita eh. :) I don’t know how to say this without sounding so sentimental…but you’re one of the reasons why I know I need not be afraid of tomorrow. :)

Haha, ang drama! :P HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPA! ♥ Many more birthdays to come! I love you! ♥ ♥ ♥

To the (future) "Father of Philippine Reality TV"

Happy Birthday, Chris!

I still can’t remember how I met you eight years ago. All I know is that you’re classmates with Toni, and because I have so much friendship issues back then, I ended up hanging out with you guys during lunch. I guess I just got to know you eventually. To be honest, I was intimidated by you at first, probably because of your strong personality but after some time, we just clicked.

And you know what? I probably wouldn’t have liked high school as much if it wasn’t for you. You certainly made competitions interesting, and I remember being so pissed off at you because of something so shallow — like borrowing costumes for a stageplay or something like that. But then again, you were also the only one who understood how I felt during those directing times because we were in the same spot.

You were and still the one who listened to my rants, who never tired from listening to my oh-so-colorful love life, who challenged and respected my opinions at the same time. You are the one who kept in touch after all these years, even if I don’t reply to text messages and even if I continue to not show up because of last minute things. You’ve heard me crying about my failures, we’ve ran for elections, we’ve planned dances and parties together, we’ve even been on TV! :)

You’re one of the dearest people in my heart, and I know that this friendship is meant to last for as long as we are alive because I know it’s meant to be like that. :) I’m glad that even we never got to share the same classroom ever, I found a friend in you. :D

Okay, ang drama! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ONE OF MY DEAREST FRIENDS, CHRISTOPHER! :) I pray that God will grant you your heart’s deepest desires, and I pray that our friendship will last “millions of years”, as you said. :) Waboo! ♥

Then and now.


Some of the people I know ask me if we are close, and if that was asked to me a few years earlier, I would’ve hesitated before answering. But now, whenever they ask me that, I say a big YES immediately. Because we are. Even if we don’t kiss when it’s peace-giving time during mass, or hug or whatever, I know that the casual text messages of “Labyu” mean the real thing.

I love that we can talk about almost anything, that you put up with me even if you have to fetch me from all places whenever I have no way of going home, that you tell me of your plans for the future. I love how we could laugh about our family quirks and our old childish fights and that you can be so protective of me if you want to. :) There are so many things I want to say to you, but I know you’re not much of a word-y and thoughts-spill-over person…so I’ll keep this simple. :)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KUYA! Like what the graphic says…I’m so lucky to have you as a brother! I know eventually we’ll have to settle down with our own families (naks) and stuff, but I will always be your little sister. :) And you will always be my one and only Kuya. :) I LOVE YOU! ♥ ♥ ♥

Everyday is better with Tuesday


You always say this when we’re on our “I’m so glad I have you as a friend moments” after big YFC events where we all end up losing sleep over the talks, crying moments and worship: Words can’t express. I know that’s a big thing for you since you’re talkative like me. So now, as you turn a year older, I’ll bring it back to you: words can’t express. Words can’t express how much you mean to me as a friend and sister.

I’ve known you for more almost three years but only got to know you last year, and I really and truly believe that it is God’s will for me to go through all those things for me to get to know the real you. You’re one of the reasons why I finally decided to take the leap and follow Him whatever happens. Because of you, I learned how to pray better, to be a better sister and friend, to offer every aspect of my life as a service to God, and that whatever the trial I’m facing, I know I can get through it because you (and a lot of other people) love me and assure me that God will take me through it.

I’ve always wanted to have a sister, and God has given you to me so I may be able to feel that. :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TUESDAY! I pray that you will always be the woman after God’s own heart, the Tuesday that we all know and love. Thank you for everything. :) Many more birthdays, blessings and years of friendship for us to come. ♥ Sister to sister, yours in life and death. :-* >:D<