Tag Archives: IST

It's coming around again

Hello, it’s the last year of 2006 and I still can’t connect through FTP so the layout will really just have to wait. Perhaps there’s other things God wants me to put in the layout so it’s waiting. Just be surprised when I have it up. :P

Anyway, I’ll be out later to go to my aunts’ house in QC for a pre-New Year visit, so I’ll be doing this 2006 look back now. I’d upload pictures, but it seems like I won’t be able to…so I’ll just link lots of stuff and re-post pictures I have lying around the site.

So…2006 was a year of fulfilled (and still being fulfilled) promises. 2004 eventful, 2005 was quiet, and 2006 was a year where I believed in God’s promises for me and the people I love; and also a year where I learned to branch out a little bit. Without further a do…here’s the monthly look-back I love doing. :P

Oh, and before you click that, I warn you this is going to be a long entry. :P

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More job hunting thoughts

Yesterday was a long day. I had two interviews — one in the morning and another one in the afternoon — and a group meeting at night. The interviews…well, they’re pretty draining and the moment I got out of PBCOM Tower after my second interview, I was just brain tired already.

My weariness was lifted thanks to my group meeting (emphasis on the quotes :p) with Micko, Rye and Ramie, otherwise known as my thesismates. Ramie came fetching me in his brand new Honda Jazz (haha, because of you, I want to have a Honda Jazz more now!) and then we fetched Rye from his house (thesis overnight memories) and then met up with Micko at Seattle’s Best in Festival Mall. Micko, being the only one who has had a stable job among all of us, treated us to snacks at SBC. We were supposed to watch Click but we ended up just talking the night away while walking around the mall and settling down for dinner at Tokyo Tokyo. Haha, fun times. :) Of course, none of us would admit it seriously, but we all did miss each other. :D I love how being a small block bonded us into what we are right now, and I love how my thesismates and I are more than just thesismates but also real friends (altogether now…awww!). Next up should be an IST dinner, especially now that the other remaining THES2 groups just passed their final defenses. :) Wohoo, IST rulez, yo!

Anyway, I was supposed to have an interview today too…but after some thinking and talking with my brother on my way home, I decided not to go anymore because I don’t really like the job. I felt kind of guilty especially because the HR officer who interviewed me was very nice to give me tips and such about working, and I worried as well, because what if I’m passing up a big opportunity on this thing by not going?

Around last week (was it only just last week?), as I was on my way to an exam, I was asking myself if I am actually looking for a job that I like, or if I’m looking for a job just to say that I have a job. But that’s wrong, isn’t it? For me, I mean. I’ve always wished and prayed for a job that would not seem like a job to me because I like it. So why am I not looking for that?

Continue reading More job hunting thoughts