Tag Archives: video

Twilight Movie Trailer

Okay, altogether now…SQUEEEE!


Talk about Twilight yumminess. It really helped that when I was reading Twilight, I already knew Robert Pattinson was playing Edward, so it was easier for me to imagine him. He’s hot enough to burn a thick thick mattress! ♥

But you know who really caught my eye here?

Emmett. Suddenly I love him even more. Haha. Kellan Lutz is definitely Emmet. :P

I can’t wait for the movie all of a sudden. I should remember to re-read Twilight before the movie shows in December. =D

Until You by Dave Barnes Music Video

One thing I love about Dave signing up for a record company is now his songs would have more airtime (not here, of course) and that means his singles would have to have videos. :D YAY. So now I present to you Dave Barnes’ video of (in my best friend’s words) the ultimate song, Until You. Go and grab some food from your fridge, pantry, sit back and enjoy. :D Spread the Dave love. ♥


X-Men Animated Series: Nightcrawler

The day before 2007 ended, right after the mass, I was sitting in front of the TV chowing down spaghetti and cake (haha what a media noche) watching the X-Men trilogy over at Star Movies. Two days later, I’m at work, and since it’s a light day and there’s nothing to do I’m too lazy to start my freelance writing thing yet, I decided to go and read some X-Men stuff. After going through various Wikipedia articles, I landed on the original X-Men animated series article, which led me to this episode. Minutes later, I was watching it on YouTube, and I think it’s too good not to share. :)

I’ve always loved Nightcrawler ever since the second movie, but this video made me love him even more. :) Videos after the cut.

Continue reading X-Men Animated Series: Nightcrawler

Happy Holidays from Mac!

One of the reasons I became a Mac convert was because of their Get A Mac ads which my teammate made me watch one day at work. I have to admit these commercials were very funny (and very smug), and I think the actor who plays the Mac is cute. :> Well he is! I guess it’s part of their advertising campaign, to make the Mac look good (which they really do) and make the PC look entirely boring by making them do only computations (which is not entirely true). Their commercials also make fun of Windows Vista a lot (heh), and continue to stress the point that Macs can run both Mac OS X and XP and Vista better than PCs do. I can’t answer that because I haven’t put XP in Aslan yet, but it seems as if they run just fine. I do feel sorry for PC in their ads (especially because I work for a PC company), but still, their commercials never fail to bring a smile or a laugh.

This year’s Christmas commercial is just as funny. If we’re friends in Yahoo! Messenger or gTalk, you might have seen my status: He sees you when you’re in sleep mode. This is where I got that line:

[youtube cakzu9eWpsU]

Hee hee! =)) It’s pretty desperate, but I just find it funny. :) But I still like using a PC (but I love using a Mac), especially since Guilo, my office PC is doing a superb job (so far). :D

Happy Holidays from Aslan!

Let The Music Heal Your Soul

Okay, let’s back down memory lane a bit. I confessed my love for the Backstreet Boys a couple of months back, and here I am with another confession (which I kind of mentioned before as well): I am a fan of The Moffatts. Yeah, yeah, I admit that I cried when a friend told me they really died shortly after their If Life is So Short video came out, and yes, I still feel sad that Dave Moffatt (my favorite one) is gay…but the entire “I love The Moffatts” thing is for another post. Anyway, I got back to this particular band because a friend posted a video of them from when God knows when…and it made me search for old mp3s and videos of them which brought me to this video:


Well, that was a long segue. Memories, anyone? In case you don’t know (GASP!), this is a video of Let the Music Heal Your Soul by Bravo All Stars. I remember squealing with delight when I first saw this video since it has both Backstreet Boys and The Moffatts. Then there’s me buying a tape of this compilation and singing the song with the instrumental version backup for Music class back in freshmen high school year. Ahh, memories!

Despite its cheesiness and its teenybopperishness, this is a pretty heartwarming song. :P And you just have to love how Brian (B-Rok) belts out his lines, and how Aaron Carter looks so totoy and how there’s this shot of him looking at a frame of his older brother Nick. I can’t get over the fact that the guys in the video move so much, with all the arm waving and such. I can’t pinpoint who the other artists were though, except for Gil Ofarim, The Moffatts and Justin Timberlake (where are the rest of the N Sync?).

Who can help me identify who’s who in the video? And what do you think of the song? Come on, let your teenybopper selves out now. ;)