
PLUG: Switchfoot in Manila, September 10, 2007, Cuneta Astrodome. Get your tickets here!

Is it possible to be this happy and love my work when it’s not even a month? Is it possible to finally feel content about where I am and actually see a future for myself here? Is it?

Sometimes I’m afraid that this exciting and thrilled feeling I have about my new work will fade into oblivion after a few weeks of being stressed, that eventually I’ll end up wishing that it’s not Monday yet and want to move out…but somehow, I feel like I won’t feel like that. I feel like I’m finally where I really should be after 10 months of being on trial somewhere else. I feel like finally, things are falling into place, in the way that I want it.

And you know what? I think that God’s also happy because I am happy. Did that make sense? I just feel like He’s smiling with me right now, you know? :)

All morning, we were all on relaxed mode because we had no work requests, the afternoon got us working on some new sites. Then a new request came that frustrated me, but still made me laugh even so. :) The day was capped with the dinner at Dencio’s together with the entire team, our Operations Manager, our boss, the HR recruitment people who hired us and our trainor who has been with us all week. Fun night with lots of food, laughter and a round of beers for the guys. And I look forward to work again tomorrow because…well, just because! Is that even possible?

I’m not complaining, of course. :) I’m thankful, because like I said, finally, things seem to be falling into place.

Now how about a love life, Lord? Haha, kidding! In Your time. :)

A little while earlier, I was doing some Friendster hopping when I chanced upon the profile of an old female colleague. Apparently, she had a major update in her life (kinda like what I mentioned in the last line of the previous paragraph), and the people were commenting on it on her profile. What surprised me was, even one of our business partners knew about it…while, I, the officemate and usual lunchmate who she used to talk to a lot about it before, did not even know.

Come to think of it, I think they all still see each other and not tell me. How sad is that for me?

Then again…I have to admit that I had some kind of…um, issues with some of them earlier this year. I don’t know if I was just imagining those issues or if it is true because I never really found out if it is, and we never talked about it. It’s just sad that things have to be this way, or ended this way. I mean, I know I have friendship issues, I just thought I’m past them ever since college. I have this feeling that little issue kind of scarred me a bit, which makes me afraid of connecting with new people in fear of that happening again.

Maybe the entire environment where I used to be just so (pardon me) screwed up that I just don’t thrive there. At all, no matter how hard I try. Even if I lasted for ten whole months there. Maybe, maybe, as much as I learned there and was put into hot water and developed some kind of discipline that I have yet to see, this just proves that I’m not meant to be there for long.

So again, thank You. Because without You, none of this would’ve been possible. :)

Okay, last thing before I go to bed. Hi to my teammates who will be reading this tomorrow. Haha. And advance happy birthday to our youngest team member, you know who you are. :)

Bed time! I need to be at work early because I have a Switchfoot Street Team meeting tomorrow at 6pm, so I need to be out early. You can get your Switchfoot tickets here, by the way. :)

3 thoughts on “Contentment”

  1. I think it’s amazing that you’re feeling that way even if you’ve only been working there for a few weeks. I usually feel disgusted at a new job for the first couple of weeks or so. haha. Kaya good sign yan. ;)

    I’m happy for you! So where do you exactly work now? :)

  2. buti pa kayo… just in Manila and can go to Switchfoot’s concert.. *sigh* hehe. anyway… there’s a time for everything… a season for happiness and trials… and everything happens when you are ready.. :)

  3. Oh my! Switchfoot! Naku naku naku… My sister and I love them! We will definitely watch! teka, will check the ticket prices :)

    Ey Tina, that’s actually great! It’s seldom people feel that way about work. That is truly a blessing! Buti ka pa. A lot of us are still discontented about our work. In God’s time, darating din ako sa ganyang stage, hopefully :)

    Happy Friday!

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