Tag Archives: Thursday Thirteen

Thursday Thirteen # 13: Superpowers

The last time I did this was last November. I stopped because I got too busy, and sometimes, I just simply forgot. Now that I found myself with nothing to do here, so I’ll be posting my thirteeth Thursday Thirteen. Hmm, do you think the number has something to do with my hiatus?

So this week’s TT is going to be in honor of my new favorite TV shows, Heroes. Here are the top 13 super powers that I think are teh coolest. This is based not only on the powers of the characters in Heroes, but based on the list of comic book superpowers (who knew there could be so many?).

Thursday Thirteen # 13: Superpowers
Thirteen Coolest Superpowers from the List of Comic Book Superpowers:

  1. Technopathy (Micah Sanders). Best power for geeks. Imagine being able to make a complete software without bugs. Or make my computer go faster without ever upgrading anything. Yeah. Every geek’s dream.
  2. Healing Factor (Claire Bennet, Wolverine). I would never be afraid to do stunts or extreme sports ever again since I can heal…as long as no one takes my brains. :P
  3. Animal Mimicry (Animorphs). I like how you will be able to experience what it is like to be an animal, like how it feels to be a cat or a dog. It can also be a form of escape or stress reliever, as what Cassie of Animorphs sometimes does. Of course, if there are brain-enslaving slugs that are out to take over the world, then it might not be as fun.
  4. Invisibility (Claude, Invisible Girl/Woman). Sometimes we all just want to disappear, and this power gives that. Of course, some terms of this power isn’t fun, such as Rodney Skinner (LXG) when you become permanently invisible. But if it’s like Claude — well it can be fun. Just don’t get into mischief. :P
  5. Innate Capability. In one word: genius. Wikipedia defines this as: Ability to naturally have skills and/or knowledge typically earned through learning. That doesn’t sound much like a super power but a really good skill (and maybe lots of Promil during early age).
  6. Empathy (Peter Petrelli). I believe this also can be classified as a normal human trait. I wish I could be more empathic to others because sometimes sympathy isn’t enough. But this could be difficult to have too, especially when there are so many emotions that are running high around you.
  7. Precognition (Isaac Mendez, Seth Borders). Though Isaac’s powers seem to be much more glamorous/special-looking, I like Seth’s power better since he gets to see different versions of the future instead of just one. Of course, it would be mighty confusing since the future changes with every move we make right now. But still a cool power.
  8. Telepathy (Matt Parkman). I used to have this series which was entitled “Mind Readers” where my group of characters got mind reading powers because of some chemicals they mixed and exploded in their Chem Lab (sooo Alex Mack). Obviously they can read minds by focusing onto people they want to read, and they can communicate telepathically too. Anyway, this is both cool and uncool because it’s nice to be able to know what your friend wants for his birthday or Christmas, but you will also know what they are thinking about when they’re not exactly fond of you. Double-edged sword.
  9. Phasing (DL Hawkins, Kitty Pryde). This sure saves time when you get home and you realize you forgot your keys inside. Come to think of it, you never have to carry any keys!
  10. Flight (Nathan Petrelli). Enough said. Seriously. Flying = cool. :)
  11. Illusions (Candice Wilmer). I used this same power over one of my characters in a series that I am still pondering if I should resurrect. This is very, very useful in combat, and in manipulating other people (not that I’d want to do that, of course). No wonder Candice in Heroes is always so cocky.
  12. Teleportation (Hiro Nakamura, Nightcrawler). Two of my favorite characters possess this power. I have read in some blogs that they want to have this power because of the opportunity to travel and no need to have any visa’s or save for airfare. Just close your eyes and poof! You’ll be where you want to be. Of course, if the Immigration people caught you, you’d be in big trouble, but you can just teleport away.
  13. Power mimicry or absorption (Peter Petrelli, Rogue). I think this is THE ultimate super power. You can get any power you want, just by touching the person (Rogue) or just by being near the person or thinking about them (Peter). Of course, Rogue’s power has its downsides seeing that she can’t make any physical contact or else she’ll kill other people, and Peter’s power can make him crazy but with right control, this power totally rocks. Then again, if you have this power, then you won’t need to have the previous twelve I mentioned — you just need to look for people with those powers, stay with them a while and there’s your new power. Hmm…superpower shopping. Why not?

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

That was fun. Now I’m off to watch episode 20 of Heroes. Yeahba. :)

Thursday Thirteen # 12: My November

I haven’t played Thursday Thirteen for the entire month because of NaNoWriMo. On this last Thursday of the month, I’m back! And because I didn’t blog as much for the past month, here’s a recap of November in my twelfth Thursday Thirteen.

Thursday Thirteen # 12
Thirteen Things about my November 2006

  1. Obviously, National Novel Writing Month! I was kind of nervous about how I’m going to squeeze in NaNo writing for this month because of work, but thank God for giving me time to write everyday!
  2. More on NaNoWriMo: I had somewhat of a hard time writing my novel at the start because I felt like my story was kind of boring. I got out of it eventually…and now I’m really psyched about what I’m writing. I really think there’s a story there somewhere. :)
  3. And again, more on NaNo: I reached my word count goal earlier than last year! Amazing. :)
  4. Marvs arrived from the US and got me books. :) Haha. I now have: A Delirious Summer and Lost in Rooville by Ray Blackston and What a Girl Wants and She’s Out of Control by Kristin Billerbeck. Thanks, Marvs!
  5. Starbucks planner mania! Every year, Starbucks Philippines has a promo/charity thing where you have to collect 21 stickers (1 sticker = 1 drink except for fruit juices and bottled water). 9 stickers for special/Christmas drinks and 11 stickers for the regular drinks. When you complete it, you get the planner for next year, plus a donation in your name to the Spark Hope foundation. :) I have six more stickers to go! :)
    Starbucks Planner!
  6. HILLSONG UNITED IN MANILA. Need I say more? :)
  7. We finally got DSL! :) As of now, I am typing this in my room, using our WiFi Internet. How cool is that? Finally, I can download lots more stuff with this Internet speed! :))
  8. Because of the new Internet connection, I fixed my room. See before and after pictures:
    room - before and after
    Okay, so you can’t really see the bed, but the table is the more important part. now if only I could get the sofa bed out, and then put a bookshelf there for my favorite books!
  9. So much work to do all of a sudden! My gosh. I know I should expect this, but the stress level is just so high, y’know? I’ve never been this stressed since I graduated from college…
  10. …but amidst all these stress from work, I have one important lesson for me this month: Be still. God is in control. :)
  11. Another important lesson: God doesn’t hold my sin against me. He has forgiven me, and He loves me like I am the only one to be loved. How amazing is that?
  12. My first thirteenth month pay. Hmmm. Not that big, but then again, it’s okay. :)
  13. And finally, my November is ending with a supertyphoon on the way. :( I’m praying it would change its course fully and NOT hit Metro Manila anymore. And we have a long weekend ahead too. Please Lord?…uh-oh the rain is here. Better get my electronics charged already.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Thursday Thirteen # 8: Happy Pills

This week’s Thursday Thirteen will focus on the happy stuff: the things that make me smile and laugh and giggle like an idiot. :P I’ll keep this short because my past TTs were long. :P

Thursday Thirteen # 8: The Happy Stuff
Thirteen of Tina’s Happy Pills

  1. Chocolates. There’s nothing like chocolates to cheer me up. I know this is fattening, but seriously, chocolate makes me smile. :) I remember one time during AD-FOTO class when I was crying in the photo lab (oh memories!) and then Baban gave me a KitKat Chunky bar because he knew I loved those. Even if I was still crying, I managed to laugh afterwards. :) Chocolate does that, really.
  2. Ice Cream. One time, I was on my way up to the office back from lunch when some people were eating ice cream as dessert. One lady said that you can’t eat ice cream without smiling. I don’t know if that is true, but sure enough, ice cream is a big mood booster!
  3. Stars. It’s my favorite shape, if that’s what it’s called. I love drawing stars, putting stars in my notebook and seeing them in decorations and such. :)
  4. Sunflowers. I think it’s because I was born during the summertime (here in the Philippines anyway) that’s why I love sunflowers. Sunflowers are just so bright and cheerful looking.
  5. Long emails from friends. I love writing, ergo I also love writing letters. I love sending and receiving long emails from friends, especially those I haven’t heard from in a while. :)
  6. Random text messages that show care. I don’t really quite SMS quotes, but I like receiving random text messages, like a simple “How are you?” or “I hope you’re fine” or even a “Take care”…or even a funny text conversation with a friend (thank God for unlimited texting!). I know it can be highly impersonal, but it’s nice to receive and save assurances from people who you know cares for you.
  7. Kittens, cats and puppies. Enough said. I love seeing pictures of these animals because they’re just so cute. That’s why these websites are always open in my browser. :P
  8. New books to read. Is it any obvious how much of a book-a-holic I am? :) I love book sales, second hand bookstores and just books! Having a stash of unread books waiting to be read just makes me smile. :)
  9. Heart to heart talks with friends. I’m not much of a “bar” or night out person because the loud music totally hinders me from being able to talk and to listen to the people around me. I love having lunches or dinners or coffee with friends where we talk and laugh over meals. :)
  10. Cheesy Pinoy movies. Guilty pleasure! :P I share this love with my brother. We love to watch cheesy Pinoy flicks, no matter how corny they can be. :)
  11. Encouragements and commendations from higher ups in the office. Self-explanatory. :P
  12. Having new [Christian] music to listen to. Yes, we just have to love this. :)
  13. Spending time with my family. I’m sure everyone’s own families drive you crazy at some point, and I’m no exception. But still, my family is the best. :) Todo para la familia: everything for the family — did I get this right? :P

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Thursday Thirteen # 6: The Word

I will be attending a Bible Study later at the office with (Ate) Jane during lunch time, and I am excited about it! I didn’t know there was something like that here. So in relation to that, this week’s Thursday Thirteen is thirteen of my favorite Bible verses. :)

Thursday Thirteen # 4: Cartoons
Thirteen Favorite Bible Verses:

  1. “I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13 NKJV)
    This verse was my anchor verse back in high school, especially when I was always faced with stress from schoolwork. I was an overachiever back then, and I always seem to carry big amounts of schoolwork and even if it doesn’t show back then, I get really worn out in the middle of it. This verse reminds me that Christ will always give me strength for whatever I have to do. I particularly like The Message’s translation of this verse: “Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.” :)
  2. “We bring nothing at birth, we take nothing with us at death. The Lord alone gives and takes. Praise the name of the Lord!” (Job 1:21 CEV)
    I’ve always admired the story of how Job was faithful to God even in the midst of all his troubles. This particular verse reminds me that everything I have is from God and none is mine. It reminds me to praise God whatever my circumstance is. :)
  3. “I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.” (Jeremiah 29:11 MSG)
    This verse used to be my banner verse for my love life. I can safely say I’ve grown up from that already, but still, this verse brings me hope, especially when I was kind of down on job hunting and post graduation woes. When things are just too blurry for me to see, it’s comforting to know that God has a plan that is for my good.
  4. “I paid a huge price for you: all of Egypt, with rich Cush and Seba thrown in! That’s how much you mean to me! That’s how much I love you! I’d sell off the whole world to get you back, trade the creation just for you.” (Isaiah 43:4 MSG)
    ♥ ♥ ♥ :)
  5. “Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.” (Proverbs 3:5 MSG)
    This is for control freaks like me. :) I know that trusting God fully is one of the hard things to do in life, and this verse is a reminder of what I must always do.
  6. “I shall keep silent and not open my mouth, for this is Your work.” (Psalm 39:10 Christian Community Bible)
    My mouth has gotten me in trouble for a lot of times. :P I was kind of sad about something and I badly needed enlightenment one night, so I was browsing through Psalms and I got this verse which just hit the bullseye. :D
  7. “God will fight the battle for you. And you? You keep your mouths shut!” (Exodus 14:14 MSG)
    I love this translation of this verse, and it’s related to verse # 6. :)
  8. “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28 NAB)
    Sometimes when I get in the middle of something that I don’t understand or is difficult, I ask God why is it like that. And God simply answers me with this. I read somewhere that God reveals His will to us in bite-size pieces so we won’t be overwhelmed with how big His plan for us is. This verse also reminds me that whether it is good or bad, it will always work out for God’s purpose, which is one thing I know I can trust with my life. :)
  9. “I want you to live as free of complications as possible. When you’re unmarried, you’re free to concentrate on simply pleasing the Master. Marriage involves you in all the nuts and bolts of domestic life and in wanting to please your spouse, leading to so many more demands on your attention. The time and energy that married people spend on caring for and nurturing each other, the unmarried can spend in becoming whole and holy instruments of God. I’m trying to be helpful and make it as easy as possible for you, not make things harder. All I want is for you to be able to develop a way of life in which you can spend plenty of time together with the Master without a lot of distractions.” (1 Corinthians 7:32-35 MSG)
    Haha, enough said. :) This is a reminder for singletons like me who get lonely once in a while. :P
  10. “Let us not become weary in doing good for at proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9 NIV)
    There are times in my walk with God that I get tired of doing what I am doing and I wonder if all this YFC/SFC service and doing good is all worth it. We all get to that point (I believe it’s called burnout :p), and this verse saved me just in time from having another one of those.
  11. “Here’s what I want: Give me a God-listening heart…” (1 Kings 3:9 MSG)
    Simple, straightforward and something I pray for as well.
  12. “…and after you have suffered a little he will bring you to perfection…” (1 Peter 5:10 Christian Community Bible)
    The Thesis Verse! This verse has brought me through the hard times we all call thesis. :) Through all those consultations that made me squirm and those delayed defenses…this just got me through all the emotional and spiritual strain that thesis gave me. :)
  13. “Incline my heart to follow Your will and not my own selfish desire.” (Psalm 119:36)
    My anchor verse for almost four years now. :D As my friend told me once, there’s nothing worth praying for than God’s will in your life. :)

* The Bibles I have available with me are the Christian Community Bible and The Message Bible. Much thanks to Bible Gateway for other translations. :)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Thursday Thirteen # 5: Materialism

Now I’m back to Thursday Thirteen. And this week is payday week! :) Yay! I got my first pay slip earlier and it’s not that much, but still! It’s not exactly my first salary ever, but it’s my first salary in my first job so it’s a big thing. :P So I’ll be materialistic (kinda) this week. :P

Thursday Thirteen # 4: Cartoons

Thirteen Things I Will (Most Probably) Buy/Save For With My Salary:

  1. A birthday gift for my brother. He’s turning 24 on the 22nd of September and this is probably the first time I’ll be giving him a gift that came from my own money. :) I already asked him what he wanted and he told me (Folded and Hung slippers), and I told him he should come with me so I can get the right size for him. I’m thrilled to actually be able to buy him a gift. :D
  2. A birthday gift for my dad. I have no idea how I can give it to him though, because he’ll probably be in Saipan that time. Hmm. But I want to buy him a gift still (and of course he’ll see this because he reads my blog. Haha!). Funny, because it’s actually my dad’s birthday on his birth certificate today, but his birthday really is at the 18th of October. Something with his birth certificate and registration that’s why he has another birthday. We usually celebrate the 18th one. To think I actually really thought that my dad was born twice.
  3. A birthday gift for my mom. My mom is celebrating her birthday on the 20th of November, and I haven’t gotten him anything EVER. Now that I’m earning, I really want to treat her to something. She’s been wanting to be treated at a spa for so long and I might just get her a free body scrub and massage or something. :)
  4. Apple iPod USB Cable. My iPod USB cable’s gone kaput. :( I don’t know where it went, but it’s gone. :( Sad. I know I used it last May when I reformatted Ginger but now I can’t find it. Oh well. I think it costs around Php1000 (USD 20). Ouch.
  5. New eyeglasses. My eyeglasses has been calling to be changed since last year, or something. I want dark-framed squarish shaped ones because I like the way I look there. :P Haha. Intellectual but not that old-looking, like what my glasses do to me now.
  6. iPod mini Belkin leather case (pink or white) or an iPod mini iSee. My brother kept on teasing me about how I keep on breaking our iPods. While whatever iPod is in his possession always looks so pristine while using it (and he doesn’t have any other case except the iPod silicon on the 40GB iPod), while I end up scratching whatever I have with me. My earphones always conk out first and in fact, my iPod min has been replaced twice already. Talk about making use of my warranty a lot. :P Haha. An iPod case would surely help me take care of this toy better. :P
  7. Come to think of it, I want the new iPod Nano. The pink one. It is just like my iPod mini though, only thinner and colored. I wonder if Apple will release a pink iPod Nano with 8GB capacity? I hope so. :) 4GB is getting too small for me, really.
  8. Faber Castell 24 colored pencils. Haha! I always found these brand of colored pencils so expensive, but I’ve always wanted to own a set. :) I love, love, love colored pencils! I love to color things with them because they color just right. :D Haha, pretty soon, I’ll get myself a set just to indulge myself. :) Where will I use this? Planner designs, of course. You can never go wrong with colored pencils. :P
  9. Books. Of course. I still have about 5 unread books at home, but I never denied myself of having an addition to the list. Once paperback versions of Charmed Thirds (Megan McCafferty), Out of Egypt (Anne Rice) and The Fourth Bear (Jasper Fforde) comes out, I’ll get myself copies of that. And those other books that are in my to buy list and those that people would recommend. Haha, I’m such a bookaholic. I think it’s because when I was a kid, I was only supposed to have one book a month. Now that I’m older, I think I’m going to let myself indulge in that once in a while.
  10. And in addition to #9…I think I’ll buy myself a better bookshelf. To fit all my favorite books. Now if only I could fit that in my room…
  11. Give my first contribution to our parish and for Gawad Kalinga. I have to admit that I’ve been contributing to GK for a long time already, but it’s always with my parents’ money (i.e. something I asked from them, or my allowance). This time it’s coming from me and I want to be able to contribute to our family’s GK fund. And to our parish. And to SFC too. It wouldn’t hurt to give and help a bit. :)
  12. Gifts and a Jollibee trip for my GK kids. I haven’t been to any Gawad Kalinga site for so long already, and I really, really want to be able to visit them again soon! I owe my GK kids in Baseco a birthday treat and gifts for her birthday last May. I better to get them ready for a big treat since I’ve been absent for so long! Christmas, you think?
  13. Last, but not the least…CHRISTMAS GIFTS! :) I need to save up enough money if I want to buy my family and friends Christmas gifts. It doesn’t have to be expensive, but I really want to get them something really nice this year, since it’s my first Christmas with a job. Even if they’re just simple tokens and all. I’ve always meant to give gifts for Christmas but things don’t work out as much as I want to. This should be fun! :)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Thursday Thirteen # 3: The Life Update

Let’s go simple this time. It’s time I update everyone about what’s happening in my life (like that’s so interesting, but then again this is my blog so I can post that :p). And this week has been quite interesting, so let’s get on with it. :)

Thursday Thirteen # 3: Things that happened to me this week

Thirteen Things that Happened to Me Since Thursday

  1. Friday, I went to school to visit and to support my friend Tuesday on her final thesis defense. Her defense was at 11:30, and I got there around 9:00am, so I hung out at the YFC Tambayan first and talked with the people there. Gosh, I missed the people there so much! :)
  2. Happy arrived a little while later and we went on our way to Gokongwei building to support Tuesday. We talked, then she slept at the lobby while I read as Tuesday’s defense went on.
  3. My iPod broke down. :( Actually, it’s my brother’s iPod because we switched so I was enjoying the benefits of having a 40GB iPod. The hardware corrupted and the sad iPod started showing up. Cute, but that it meant no music. :(
  4. While waiting, I got a call from one of the companies I got interviewed at weeks before, telling me that my job offer is ready. I scheduled a meeting for Tuesday next week.
  5. Tuesday went out a bit before 2:30pm, and their temporary verdict for their defense was re-demo. That meant that their group is one step closer to passing, but they had to do something more. Sooo….that meant Tuesday wouldn’t be able to go with the rest of us for the Elim Singles table talk. :( But oh well, it’s the last one she’s ever going to do something for thesis, so it’s okay.
  6. I met up with Bea, and she updated me with her life over some hot chocolate. Then we went to Gox to meet with Tue again. She got ticked off over some thesis thing and she had to do some things before we left for Elim Singles. Then I met up with Bung when Bea disappeared and she told me about what’s up with her life and YFC-DLSU. Then Bea came back and we met Happy at the LRT station to go to Katipunan. :)
  7. Elim Singles Table Talk! The Veggie Girls minus Tuesday spent most of the time laughing at some things only the three of us could laugh about that night. Haha. We even had a pseudo drinking session — with water. It looked real enough! :p
    August 18, 2006
  8. Saturday and Sunday was very…blah. We were supposed to go out but I ended up sleeping half the time. Finished reading The Big Over Easy by Jasper Fforde.
  9. Monday, I finally got to crack Gamehouse’s Mystic Inn and Delicious Deluxe. Spent most of the day reading and not worrying about my schedule the next day. ^^;
  10. Haw Flakes - click to see bigger imageTuesday, I went to the office of the company who called me last Friday to get the job offer. Read it and talked to my mom and brother about it. I bought The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde. Then we went grocery shopping. Grocery is always fun when I’m with my brother because we ended up getting a lot of snacks that we normally don’t buy because we don’t have money. :D We got to buy Haw Haw Milk Candies and Haw Flakes (some of my childhood candies :D).
  11. Tuesday finally passed her thesis. She’s going to graduate this October! :D All our prayers were answered :)
  12. Wednesday, I spent most of the day calling the HR of Sun Cellular to clarify some things. I went to the mall with my mom and spent some time in prayer at the Adoration Chapel at the EDSA Shrine. I finally made up my mind and made one of the biggest decisions in my life. The discernment I did was a big thing too, and I’ll reserve it for another post. :)
  13. And last, but not the least! Today, I accepted the job offer. :) I HAVE A JOB! Praise God!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Thursday Thirteen # 1: Things I miss in college

There are so many fun things to do for blogs, don’t you think? :) Thursday Thirteen, you sound interesting! I’m going to try you now. :)

I’ve been going down to memory lane lately and I’ve been feeling nostalgic and all…so here’s Thirteen Things I miss from college (in no particular order), my first Thursday Thirteen. :)

  1. My dorm. It may not be as glamorous or as nice as living in any of the condos near school, but my dorm was home. My first room was not just a living space but a party area because of all the visitors we have, and my second room was a place away from all the madness there is inside school. :) Ah, fun times. My dorm’s being torn down now though, because it’s going to be renovated. So sad. :(
  2. Planet Gokongwei. For those who don’t know, Planet Gokongwei is Gokongwei building, which is my College of Computer Studies’ building in DLSU. It’s called “Planet” because it’s far away from the main buildings. :D Gox may have been too far away from the main buildings or may be too hot or too crowded or whatever, but Gokongwei is still home. :)
  3. The YFC Tambayan. This is the place where most of the people from my college “org” (I used quotes because I don’t think of CFC Youth for Christ as an organization but as a community) hangs out. My place of solitude when things in Gox get too mad. Of course, it’s not exactly quiet if you think of solitude that way. In the YFC Tambayan, I can be forget about my academic worries and be with my friends who also seek the face of God. :)
  4. And speaking of which…I miss my IST block. I miss our classes, our miss the times we have food trips (that was usually before Ms. Lilet’s classes, right?), our random Y!M chats, our thesis woes, lunches and dinners and all that. I miss you aaaallll.
  5. The Pearl of the Great Price Chapel. This is the place where I know I’d find God for sure. If ever I needed some peace and quiet and some spiritual consolation and can’t find it because the place around me is so cluttered and noisy, this is the sure place I’d go to.
  6. Aithne, Janine and Ynna, my first roommates. We still haven’t got the chance to eat that bucket meal together! Man, we should should should do that, like soon! These girls made being stressed fun. All nighters galore. :)
  7. Ann, Aya, Jamie and Katz, my second roommates. My younger sisters. :) You guys made being “ate” feel tons nicer. I loved treating you guys for Cello’s and I love having food trips with you guys. I miss you!
  8. The Ampitheater. If ever I’m in need for a breath of fresh air, the ampitheater is the first place I’d go to. The place to hang out, to talk, to watch concerts in and to have households when there’s no place to go to — that’s the ampitheater!
  9. And again, speaking of which…my YFC Docu household! I miss being a mommy to all of you guys and our bi-monthly household gatherings. I seriously didn’t mind texting you all for whatever YFC activity we have. I promise to have a reunion and to treat you guys to dinner or something when I get a job!
  10. The Happy Veggie Girls: Bea, Tuesday and Happy. These girls are the ones who I knew I could run to immediately for anything that comes up into my life. I hope that thing on the 18th works out. :)
  11. Animo Canteen’s burritos, mojos, ham and french toast and melon juice. They’re not the cheapest food on campus, but they sure are yummy and easy to buy when I’m at the tambayan. :) Oh yeah, I don’t recommend eating them all together. ;)
  12. SPS Canteen’s soft ice cream. For Php25.00, I can get a cup of soft vanilla ice cream mixed with another flavor and topped with either chocolate or caramel syrup. :) My personal favorite is strawberry-vanilla topped with chocolate syrup. Yum!
  13. Having classes. I miss the general idea of having classes. Of having something definite to do everyday. Of having something to finish every week, every term. I even miss the stress of projects and exams, and the joy (and sometimes sorrow) of receiving the grades. I just miss being a student. *sigh*

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